I have a program due that is to take 5 random cards from a deck, declare what suit they are and give the number of the card. Ul;timately what i need to do after this is to have them filter the cards into like numerical order.... basically put them lowest to highest ( from top to bottom) I got the code for this worked out but I am unsure how to get it to display H,C,S, or D for the suits. I got it to do a random number 0-4 for that display but I cant get it to display H C S or D. Also I am unable to get it to sort the array. I am unsure of the code and I know its really simple for all you people who do it all the time but its a basic beginner course and im having a bit of a hard time. Ill paste the code below. Any help is greatly appreciated

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    int iValue, iSuit;
    int iLoop, iLoop2;

    float position[3];

    bool bCards[4][13];

    // Initializing the array
    // aka, putting all of the cards in the deck
    for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 4; iLoop++)
        for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 13; iLoop2++)
            bCards[iLoop][iLoop2] = 1;

    // Seeding the random number generator

    printf("Suit      Value");
    printf("----      -----");

    for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 5; iLoop++)
        iSuit = rand()%4;
        iValue = rand()%13;

        while(bCards[iSuit][iValue] == 0)
            iSuit = rand()%4;
            iValue = rand()%13;

        printf("  %2d       %2d", iSuit, iValue);

        // Removing the card from the deck
        bCards[iSuit][iValue] = 0;
      return 0;