I am working on a numerology program for a friend of mine. I am trying to implement a simple menu to this program, but it seems to skip the read() function whenever I try the menu. If I don't use a menu, everything's fine. I can't figure out what's wrong.

/* numer.h */

/* Preprosessor Directives */
#ifndef NUMER_H
#define NUMER_H

/* Function Declarations */
int convert(char name[], int n);
void read(char str[], int n);
int crunch(int num);

/* numer.c*/
/* Preprocessor Directives*/
#include "numer.h"

/* Function Definitions */

/* This function takes a C style string and converts the ascii values of 
   the letters to what order they are in the english alphabet.  Then this
   function adds the numbers together and returns that sum.              
int convert(char name[], int n)
	int i, d, sum = 0;

	for(i = 0; i<n; i++)
		if(name[i] <= 90 && name[i] >= 65)
			d = name[i] - 64;
			sum += d;
		if(name[i] <= 122 && name[i] >= 97)
			d = name[i] - 96;
			sum += d;
	return sum;

/* This function takes a C style string and assigns it the name the user
void read(char str[], int n)
	char ch;
	int i = 0;

	while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
		if (i < n)
			str[i++] = ch;

	str[i] = '\0';

/* This function takes a number and adds the individual digits together
   to obtain a single digit.  If, when all digits are added together, 
   the sum is not a single digit, it calls the function again with the
   new value.  After several recursive calls, it will compute the digit,
   then return it.
int crunch(int num)
	int sum = 0;
	while(num != 0)
		sum += num % 10;
		num /= 10;
	if(sum >= 10)
		return crunch(sum);
	return sum;
/* numer_driver.c */
/* Preprocessor Directives*/
#include "numer.c"

/* Main Function */
int main() {
	/* Variable Declarations */
	char name[50];
	int j;

	for(;;) {
		/* Menu */
		printf("1. Enter your name\n");
		printf("2. Quit\n\n");
		printf("Your choice: ");
		scanf("%d", &j);

		switch (j) {

		   case 1:

			/* Code to enter your name */
			printf("Enter your name: ");
			read(name, 50);

			/* This prints the single digit number your name equals */
			printf("\nYour number is %d\n\n", crunch(convert(name, 50)));

		   case 2:

			return 0;

			printf("%d is not one of the choices\n\n", j);