Thread: Currency Convertor

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Currency Convertor


    Thanks for all the help so far. Any more sugestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanking you.

    #include <stdio.h>
    /*	  Define Constants for Currency Conversion Rates	*/
    #define POUND 0.70
    #define KRONE 7.43
    #define YEN 127
    int main()
       /* Declare all varabials	*/
    	int menu_choice, error;
    	float local_amount, remote_amount;
    	float USD;
    		/*		Display Menu System		*/
    		/*		5 Options		*/
    		printf("1. Britain\n");
       	printf("2. Denmark\n");
       	printf("3. Japan\n");
       	printf("4. USA\n");
       	printf("5. Exit Program\n\n");
       	/* Ask user for there choice														  */
       	/* Asign the choice to varabial menu_choice, which is of int data type */
    		/* Keep Asking The User for input until they enter correct data		  */
          /*		This do loop will itterate until the user enteres the desired menu option to exit	*/
       		printf("Please Enter Your Country Selection From The Menu: \t");
       		error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
    		}	while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 5 );
       	if (menu_choice == 1)
             /* Ask user for there choice */
       		/* Asign the choice to varabial menu_choice, which is of int data type */
          	/* Keep Asking The User for input until they enter correct data		  */
    			printf("\n\nDo you wish to convert from:\n\n");
    			printf("1. Euro to Pound(Sterling)\n");
             printf("2. Pound(Sterling) to Euro\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Your Choice From The Menu: \t");
             	error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
             }	while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 2 );
          	if (menu_choice == 1)
             	printf("\n\nEuro to Pound(Sterling):\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Euro Amount to be Converted: \t");
             	remote_amount = local_amount * POUND;
                printf("\n%.2f Euro is equal to %.2f Pound\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
             if (menu_choice == 2)
             	printf("\n\nPound(Sterling) to Euro:\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Pound(Sterling) Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount / POUND;
                printf("\n%.2f Pound is equal to %.2f Euro\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
          if (menu_choice == 2)
          	printf("\n\nDo you wish to convert from:\n\n");
             printf("1. Euro to Krone\n");
             printf("2. Krone to Euro\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Your Choice From The Menu: \t");
                error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
             }	while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 2 );
             if (menu_choice == 1)
             	printf("\n\nEuro to Krone:\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Euro Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount * KRONE;
                printf("\n%.2f Euro is equal to %.2f Krone\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
             if (menu_choice == 2)
          		printf("\n\nKrone to Euro:\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Krone Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount / KRONE;
             	printf("\n%.2f Krone is equal to %.2f Euro\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
       	if (menu_choice == 3)
          	printf("\n\nDo you wish to convert from:\n\n");
             printf("1. Euro to Yen\n");
             printf("2. Yen to Euro\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Your Choice From The Menu: \t");
                error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
             }	while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 2 );
             if (menu_choice == 1)
             	printf("\n\nEuro to Yen:\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Euro Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount * YEN;
                printf("\n%.2f Euro is equal to %.2f Yen\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
             if (menu_choice == 2)
             	printf("\n\nYen to Euro:\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Yen Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount / YEN;
                printf("\n%.2f Yen is equal to %.2f Euro\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
       	if (menu_choice == 4)
          	printf("\n\nDo you wish to convert from:\n\n");
             printf("1. Euro to US Dollars\n");
             printf("2. US Dollars to Euro\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Your Choice From The Menu: \t");
                error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
             }	while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 2 );
             printf("\nExample:\t\t1 EURO = POUND 0.70\n\t\t\t1 EURO = KRONE 7.43\n\n");
             	printf("Please Enter Current US Dollar Exchange Rate: \t");
                error = scanf("%f",&USD);
             } 	while ( error == 0 || USD <= 0);
             if (menu_choice == 1)
             	printf("\n\nEuro to US Dollars:\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter Euro Amount to be Converted: \t");
                remote_amount = local_amount * USD;
                printf("\n%.2f (EURO) is equal to %.2f (USD)\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
                menu_choice = 0;
             if (menu_choice == 2)
             printf("\n\nUS Dollars to Euro:\n\n");
             printf("Please Enter US Dollar Amount to be Converted: \t");
             remote_amount = local_amount / USD;
             printf("\n%.2f (USD) is equal to %.2f (Euro)\n\n",local_amount, remote_amount);
             menu_choice = 0;
       	if (menu_choice == 5)
          	printf("Thank You Come Again!");
    	} while(menu_choice == 0);
       printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n$$$$ UP!");
       return 0;
    Dangerous Dave

  2. #2
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    >float USD;
    This can be confusing. The general convention is for macros and named constants to have names in all capital letters. It's a matter of style, but a lot of people are used to this one.

    Big no-no, flushing an input stream is undefined behavior.

    >while ( error == 0 || menu_choice < 1 || menu_choice > 5 );
    scanf can return EOF too. Better something more like this:
    int out_of_range ( int value, int low, int high )
      return value < low || high > value;
    while ( error != 1 || out_of_range ( menu_choice, 1, 5 ) );
    >error = scanf("%d",&menu_choice);
    This is the second time you use the same loop for input, consider wrapping the functionality in a function.

    Always, always check scanf's return value. No exceptions. If you must use it, at least use it in a relatively safe way.

    You might consider using switch cases instead of unrelated if statements for running a menu option. It tends to keep things a bit cleaner. That's my quick glance suggestion list, if I missed anything you have my apologies.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

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