Thread: structures & data types

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Angry structures & data types

    I have written a program which updates a master file using a transaction file and creates a new generation of the master file.
    I ran the program and cannot get rid of 3 errors - can you give me any clues on how to solve these.

    The basic set up of my program is:

    typedef struct{
    char cust_code [6];
    float cust_bal;
    long credit_limit;

    struct record{
    char part_no[7]; /*Have to be char for previous prog*/
    char quantity [5];

    struct record2{
    char balance [10];
    char limit [8];

    union account{
    struct record old;
    struct record2 create;

    typedef struct{
    char code [5];
    char blah [6];
    union account details;

    cust_rec_st *cust_rec_ptr;
    MASTER_R *master_rec_ptr;

    Error 1
    I want to put the 'balance' from the transaction struct record2 into 'cust_bal' in the master struct. The follwing gave me an error:

    master_rec_ptr->cust_bal = cust_rec_ptr->details.create.balance;

    Type casting (float) doesn't work. What is another way to do this without getting an error re: type incompatibility?

    Error 2
    I also want to put the 'limit' from the trans into 'credit_limit' in the master.

    master_rec_ptr->credit_limit = cust_rec_ptr->details.create.limit;

    This time error is non portable pointer conversion.

    Error 3
    The following are already set up in a header file. An indexed file so that using the part number you can find the record required.

    typedef struct{
    char key [7];
    float price;

    typedef struct{
    char key [7];
    unsigned long rec_num;

    A function to read the file is also included in the header file.
    The prototype for the function is:
    static RECORD_DATA *search_file(char *product_code);

    The function is passed the product code and searches the file returning a pointer to the appropriate data structure.

    I have therefore written:

    float value = 0.0;

    RECORD_DATA *stock_rec;

    if((stock_rec = search_file(cust_rec_ptr->details.old.part_no)) != NULL)
    /*the next line is where I get the error*/

    value = (float)cust_rec_ptr->details.old.quantity * stock_rec->price;

    I'm wanting to multiply the quantity from the transaction file with the stock price. Again the type incompatibility.

    Any help much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Registered User jasrajva's Avatar
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    Oct 2001

    struct record2{
    char balance [10]; <------------------------Look here
    char limit [8];

    typedef struct{
    char cust_code [6];
    float cust_bal; <---------------------and here
    long credit_limit;

    float and char* are incompatible types so youll need to use

    master_rec_ptr->cust_bal = atof(cust_rec_ptr->details.create.balance);

    double atof( const char *string );

    converts string to a double so that should work for you

    for the second use

    this converts string limit in record2 to integer (long)

    couldnt figure out the third one but ill try

  3. #3
    Registered User jasrajva's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    hadnt lookd at err3 bfore
    it is obviously the same type incompatibility and the soln is also similar

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