Thread: Can someone tell me if I've lost the plot

  1. #1
    Registered User Azuth's Avatar
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    Can someone tell me if I've lost the plot

    This is a discussion that's been going on on another board that I visit every now and again.

       Now if someone can tell me how to take a single character 
       without requiring enter to be pressed, that'd also be ace.
       Well, the only function I know is getch()... not sure if it's the 
       best way to do it though, haven't done C code for aaaages
       getc, fgetc, getchar - getch() would likely work, but is not
       only on windows.. you need to do termios stuff on unix 
      #include <termios.h>
      struct termios term;
      tcgetattr(0, &term)
      term.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; // turn off cooked mode
      term.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // no minimum chars
      term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // no hold-keys for time
      tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term)
      // read one char/key from tty
      i = read(0, &ch, 1);
      tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &origterm) // restore original settings
       *Cough* *Hack* *Splutter*
       You're saying that I can't read a single character under unix 
       using only ANSI C? Or did I miss something?
    Now I'll admit the only code I've ever worked with on a *nix platform has been to do with quake, and I don't have a *nix box set up at home right now to try, so I may be mistaken, but surely I could write the code to read a single char in DOS in ANSI C, and compile that on a unix box & run it without much issue???
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  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Re: Can someone tell me if I've lost the plot

    Originally posted by Azuth

    Now I'll admit the only code I've ever worked with on a *nix platform has been to do with quake, and I don't have a *nix box set up at home right now to try, so I may be mistaken, but surely I could write the code to read a single char in DOS in ANSI C, and compile that on a unix box & run it without much issue???
    Nope. Well, yes. But no.

    You could, but it'd be ugly:

    #ifdef NIX
    #include nix_specific_headers
    int mygetc( )
        do_stuff( here );
    #include dos_specific_headers
    int mygetc( )
        do_stuff( here );
    use = mygetc( );
    So yeah, you can do it. But not as simply as you want to. Your best bet in *nix is to use the curses library.

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