Thread: RPN calculator, identify different terms in a string.

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Question RPN calculator, identify different terms in a string.

    Hello, I'm coding a Reverse polish notation calculator in C. For now, i have the push/pop stack code completed and now I need to code the data you give to the program to evaluate. Here is my idea:

    The user types a sequence of numbers, operators and constants separated by a space, like this: 3 2 + pi -. The program should recognize each term of this string and return the value of the expression.

    This is my code for now:
    #include <stdio.h>#include<conio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 40
    int top, status;
    void push (char stack[], int x)
         if (top == (MAX-1))
            status = 0;
        {   status = 1;
            stack [top] = x;
    int pop (char stack[])
        int ret;
        if (top == -1)
        {   ret = 0;
        status = 0;
        {   status = 1;
        ret = stack [top];
    return ret;
    int main()
        int i, nombre,x1,x2;
    char inicial[MAX];
    char final1[MAX];
        printf(" introduce the RPN expression");
        fgets(inicial, MAX, stdin);
        for (i=0; i>=MAX; i++)
        if (isdigit(inicial[i]));
        sscanf(inicial[i], "%s", inicial[i]);
        push(final1, nombre);
        push(final1, x2+x1);
        push(final1, x2-x1);
        push(final1, x2*x1);
        push(final1, x2/x1);
    As you can see I have problems when I put multiples If and with the isspace function. What I want to do, is that when the program detects that the position i from the string inicial is a blank space, ignore it and jump to the next position. How can i do that?

    The other thing I want to ask you is how to make the program realise the different types of ispunct and act differently according to that type (+, -, *, and /).

    I hope you understood the idea of what I want to do, please ask me if I didn't explain myself well.

    Thank you in advnace

  2. #2
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States
    If I were going to write an RPN calculator I would not actually write my own parser for it unless I needed to convert from infix notation.

    It would be beneficial to break up the string into pieces before you try to calculate:
    char **
    rpn_break(char *eq, char **stack, int *n)
        int size = 6; // stack size guess.
        stack = malloc(size * sizeof(*stack));
        if (stack == NULL)
            return NULL;
        char *token;
        int i = 0;
        for (token = strtok(eq, "\n\t "); token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, "\n\t "))
            if (i == size) {
                char *temp;
                size *= 2;
                temp = realloc(stack, size);
                if (temp == NULL)
                    return NULL;
                stack = temp;
            stack[i++] = token;
        *n = i;
        return stack;
    main(void) {
        int size = 0;
        char **stack = NULL;
        char eq[BUFSIZ];
        puts("enter RPN equation here:");
        fgets(eq, sizeof eq, stdin);
        stack = rpn_break(eq, stack, &size);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            printf("stack[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, stack[i]);
        stack = NULL;
        return 0;
    We can reasonably expect the result on your example to be
    stack[0] = "3"
    stack[1] = "2"
    stack[2] = "+"
    stack[3] = "pi"
    stack[4] = "-"
    The code that you currently have is exceptionally brittle, because the stack is just a string, so every operand has to fit in a character. This just isn't a reasonable expectation. The constant pi can't be stored as a single character, and neither can multiple digit numbers.

    The other thing I want to ask you is how to make the program realise the different types of ispunct and act differently according to that type (+, -, *, and /).
    Well, if the tokens are strings, then strcmp(stack[i], foo) would return 0 for any string foo, like "-", "+", etc.

    I think push is coded incorrectly, as well. Variable top is initially 0, instead of -1 like you apparently expect in your code, so I would actually write something to the effect of:

    int top = -1;
    void push(stack, x)
       if (top == MAX - 1) 
          status = 0;
          stack[++top] = x;
          status = 1;
    Now top always points to the first element in the stack instead of something else without wasting any stack space.
    Last edited by whiteflags; 05-19-2016 at 12:02 PM.

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