Thread: Issue with using malloc between threads for an array of structs

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Issue with using malloc between threads for an array of structs

    I tried to simplify my problem and wrote a program exhibiting my issue. I'm trying to make use of a consumer/producer solution but have the consumer produce some data at the end. In my program I won't know the size of one of the structs and would like to allocate it during execution. My compiler is CVI and it does have some C99 functionality.

    When I allocate struct2 in the function threadConsumer, it only creates a single struct and not an array of 10 of them. I need it to be a copy of the data that I got from the consumer thread. How do I get it to be an array of structs? It's almost being treated like a pointer to a single struct and I've tried doing a ** with no success either.

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    //typedef enum { false, true } bool;
     * The Node struct,
     * contains item and the pointer that point to next node.
    typedef struct Node {
        int item;
        struct Node* next;
    } Node;
     * The Queue struct, contains the pointers that
     * point to first node and last node, the size of the Queue,
     * and the function pointers.
    typedef struct Queue {
        Node* head;
        Node* tail;
        void (*push) (struct Queue*, int); // add item to tail
        // get item from head and remove it from queue
        int (*pop) (struct Queue*);
        // get item from head but keep it in queue
        int (*peek) (struct Queue*);
        // display all element in queue
        void (*display) (struct Queue*);
        // size of this queue
        int size;
    } Queue;
     * Push an item into queue, if this is the first item,
     * both queue->head and queue->tail will point to it,
     * otherwise the oldtail->next and tail will point to it.
    void push (Queue* queue, int item);
     * Return and remove the first item.
    int pop (Queue* queue);
     * Return but not remove the first item.
    int peek (Queue* queue);
     * Show all items in queue.
    void display (Queue* queue);
     * Create and initiate a Queue
    Queue createQueue ();
    typedef struct TestStruct1{
        int iTest;
    } TestStruct1;
    typedef struct TestStruct2{
        int iTest;
    } TestStruct2;
    typedef struct TestStruct3{
        int iTest;
    } TestStruct3;
    DWORD WINAPI threadConsumer(void*);
    DWORD WINAPI threadProducer(void*);
    #define GETMYRAND() (int)(((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*100)
    typedef struct MyData{
        Queue food;
        int producerfinished;
        HANDLE mutex;
        HANDLE controlsemaphore;
        TestStruct1 struct1;
        TestStruct2 *struct2;
        TestStruct3 struct3;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        HANDLE handles[2];
        MyData mydata;
        mydata.mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, 0, NULL);
        mydata.controlsemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,0,1,NULL);
    = createQueue();
        handles[0] = CreateThread(0,0,&threadConsumer, (void*)&mydata, 0,0);
        handles[1] = CreateThread(0,0,&threadProducer, (void*)&mydata, 0,0);
        WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, 1, INFINITE); //"Join" trreads
        return 0;
    DWORD WINAPI threadConsumer(void* lp){
        MyData * md = (MyData*)lp;
        TestStruct1 struct1;
        TestStruct2 *struct2;
        TestStruct3 struct3;
        int iStructSize = 0;
        int i = 0;
            WaitForSingleObject(md->controlsemaphore,INFINITE); //Wait for producer;
            WaitForSingleObject(md->mutex, INFINITE); //Mutext Lock
                char tmps[32];
                sprintf(tmps, "\t%d\t(%d)\n",md->food.peek(&md->food), GetCurrentThreadId());
                if(md->food.peek(&md->food) == 0)
                    struct1.iTest = md->food.peek(&md->food);
                else if(md->food.peek(&md->food) > 9 && md->food.peek(&md->food) < 21)
                    if(iStructSize == 0)
                        struct2 = calloc(++iStructSize, sizeof(TestStruct2));
                        struct2 = realloc(struct2, (++iStructSize * sizeof(TestStruct2)));
                    struct2[iStructSize - 1].iTest = md->food.peek(&md->food); 
                else if(md->food.peek(&md->food) == 50)
                    struct3.iTest = md->food.peek(&md->food);
            ReleaseMutex(md->mutex); //Mutex Unlock
        md->struct1 = struct1;
        md->struct3 = struct3;
        md->struct2 = calloc(10, sizeof(TestStruct2));
        for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            md->struct2[i] = struct2[i];
        return 0;
    DWORD WINAPI threadProducer(void* lp){
        MyData * md = (MyData*)lp;
        int i;
        for(i =0 ; i < 100; i++){
            char tmps[32];
            sprintf(tmps, "%d\t\t%d\n",i,GetCurrentThreadId());
            WaitForSingleObject(md->mutex, INFINITE); //Mutex Lock
            md->food.push(&md->food, i);
            if(md->food.size>0 && i > 10)
                ReleaseSemaphore(md->controlsemaphore,1, NULL);
            ReleaseMutex(md->mutex); //Mutex Unlock
        ReleaseSemaphore(md->controlsemaphore, 1, NULL); //Release both threads
        return 0;
     * Push an item into queue, if this is the first item,
     * both queue->head and queue->tail will point to it,
     * otherwise the oldtail->next and tail will point to it.
    void push (Queue* queue, int item) {
        // Create a new node
        Node* n = (Node*) malloc (sizeof(Node));
        n->item = item;
        n->next = NULL;
        if (queue->head == NULL) { // no head
            queue->head = n;
        } else{
            queue->tail->next = n;
        queue->tail = n;
     * Return and remove the first item.
    int pop (Queue* queue) {
        // get the first item
        Node* head = queue->head;
        int item = head->item;
        // move head pointer to next node, decrease size
        queue->head = head->next;
        // free the memory of original head
        return item;
     * Return but not remove the first item.
    int peek (Queue* queue) {
        Node* head = queue->head;
        return head->item;
     * Show all items in queue.
    void display (Queue* queue) {
        printf("\nDisplay: ");
        // no item
        if (queue->size == 0)
            printf("No item in queue.\n");
        else { // has item(s)
            Node* head = queue->head;
            int i, size = queue->size;
            printf("%d item(s):\n", queue->size);
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                if (i > 0)
                    printf(", ");
                printf("%d", head->item);
                head = head->next;
     * Create and initiate a Queue
    Queue createQueue () {
        Queue queue;
        queue.size = 0;
        queue.head = NULL;
        queue.tail = NULL;
        queue.push = &push;
        queue.pop = &pop;
        queue.peek = &peek;
        queue.display = &display;
        return queue;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    I believe I got my example to work. I think part of my confusion was the way the IDE was displaying the info. When I tried to read the different indexes of the array of struct2 it worked fine.

    In my working example I moved struct2 to the end of MyData. Would that have made a difference?

    I will add a mutex around the 3 structs to prevent two locations from accessing this same data. I will also free the memory when I'm done with it.

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