Thread: Modularity

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Hello,I've used google for more information about what I'm going to ask for, but I still need a real help to know much about the term "Modularity in C programming" even what's about?, what actually the function "strcopy()" do stand for ?, also the functions "malloc" and "free" I dont actually know why we use them and how can we use them through the code...if you can give an example about "malloc" and "free" then would be nice and appreciated much .
    P.S: if there's any video explaining the subjects that I demanded about as please link me them over here.

    thanks beforehand.

  2. #2
    Registered User rstanley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    New York, NY

    You really need to either pick up a good book on the C Language, study it thoroughly, and do the exercises at the end of each chapter, or take a course from a qualified instructor. Most of the questions you ask would be explained by a good book, or class.

    P.S: if there's any video explaining the subjects that I demanded about as please link me them over here.
    I will assume that English may not be your native language. The word "demanded" is not a good word to use here.

    My experience with videos on the C language online leave a lot to be desired.

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