Thread: File Operations (2)

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    File Operations (2)

    Here is the compiler problems to my program. I am using MSDEV on Win2k pro. This is going along on what I wrote previously. I have noted where the problem is occurring, and I still have holes on where to program this program.

    Thank you for your help!

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define DELIMS " \n.,;:!?-_/"
    #define MAX_LEN 80

    int main( void )
    FILE *fp_in , *fp_out;
    char line[ 81 ] , infile[ 20 ] , outfile[ 20 ];
    char *token;
    int drop_flag , read_count = 0 , drop_count = 0 , keep_count = 0 ;
    int k ;

    /* this will open the infile and read it only if
    * the file does not exist, it will continue to prompt
    * until the user gives it a valid file */
    printf("Enter an input filename >> ");
    scanf( "%s" , infile );
    } while( (fp_in = fopen( infile , "r" )) == NULL );

    printf("\nEnter an output filename >> ");
    scanf( "%s" , outfile );

    /* if( (fp_out = fopen( outfile , "r" )) != NULL
    printf( "\nFile %s exists\n" , outfile );
    fclose( fp_out );
    exit( 0 );
    fclose( fp_out ); */

    } while( (fp_out = fopen( outfile , "w" )) == NULL );

    printf("\nBegin...\n\n" );
    fprintf( fp_out , "\nBegin...\n\n" );

    for( ; fgets( infile , MAX_LEN + 1 , fp_in ) != NULL ; ++ read_count )/***errorC2198 : fgets : too few actual parameters***/
    strcpy( outfile , instring );
    token = strtok( infile , DELIMS );

    for( drop_flag = 0 , token != NULL , token = strtok( NULL , DELIMS )
    /*token[ 0 ] = to*/

    for( k = 0 ; token[ k ] != "\0" ; ++k )/**warningC4047 !=: int iffers in levels of indirection from "char"[2]***/
    token[ k ] = folower( token[ k ] );

    if( strcmp( token, "drop" ) == 0 )
    drop_flag = 1;

    if( drop_flag == 0 )
    printf("\nKeep line %s\n\n", outfile );
    fprintf( fp_out ,"%s", outfile );
    ++ keep_count;

    printf("\n Else...\n\n" );
    ++ drop_count;


    printf("\n( %d , %d , %d )\n" , read_count , keep_count , drop_count );

    warningC4047 errorC2198

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    > for( k = 0 ; token[ k ] != "\0" ; ++k )/

    The problem is because you're using a string value instead of a single character. Use '\0' instead. Just use the same thread also rather than making new ones for the same project.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > for( ; fgets( infile , MAX_LEN + 1 , fp_in ) != NULL
    You're lying about the size of the buffer

    fgets( infile, sizeof(infile), fp_in )

    Then make the infile array as big as you want.

    > for( drop_flag = 0 , token != NULL , token = strtok( NULL , DELIMS )
    This needs ;

    > token[ k ] = folower( token[ k ] );
    Perhaps tolower?

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