Thread: Book e.g.: Code printing garbage values instead of actual values

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Book e.g.: Code printing garbage values instead of actual values

    I have just started learning C/C++ and this is my first post to this forum.

    This is the e.g which I am practicing from a book and I take no credit for it.


    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct node{
        void* dataPtr;
        struct node* left;
        struct node* right;
    } NODE;
    typedef struct{
        int count;
        int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2);
        NODE* root;
    } BST_TREE;
    BST_TREE* BST_Create (int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2));
    //BST_TREE* BST_Destroy (BST_TREE* tree);
    bool BST_Insert (BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr);
    //bool BST_Delete (BST_TREE* tree, void* dltKey);
    void* BST_Retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* keyPtr);
    void  BST_Traverse (BST_TREE* tree, void (*process)(void* dataPtr));
    static NODE* _insert(BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, NODE* newPtr);
    static NODE* _delete(BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, void* dataPtr, bool* success);
    static void* _retrieve(BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr, NODE* root);
    static NODE* _insert(BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, NODE* newPtr);
    static void* _retrieve(BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr, NODE* root);
    static void _traverse(NODE* root, void (*process) (void* dataPtr));
    BST_TREE* BST_Create(int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2)){
        BST_TREE* tree;
        tree = (BST_TREE*) malloc (sizeof (BST_TREE));
        if (tree){
            tree->root = NULL;
            tree->count = 0;
            tree->compare = compare;
        return tree;
    bool BST_Insert(BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr){
        NODE* newPtr;
        newPtr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
        if (!newPtr)
            return false;
        newPtr->right = NULL;
        newPtr->left  = NULL;
        newPtr->dataPtr = newPtr;
        if (tree->count == 0)
             tree->root = newPtr;
            _insert(tree, tree->root, newPtr);
    NODE* _insert (BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, NODE* newPtr){
        if (!root)
            return newPtr;
        if (tree->compare(newPtr->dataPtr, root->dataPtr) < 0){
            root->left = _insert(tree, root->left, newPtr);
            return root;
        } else {
            root->right = _insert(tree, root->right, newPtr);
            return root;
        return root;
    void* BST_Retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* keyPtr){
        if (tree->root)
            return _retrieve (tree, keyPtr, tree->root);
            return NULL;
    void* _retrieve(BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr, NODE* root){
        if (root){
            if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) < 0)
                return _retrieve(tree, dataPtr, root->left);
            else if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) > 0)
                return _retrieve(tree, dataPtr, root->right);
                return root->dataPtr;
        } else {
            return NULL;
    void BST_Traverse(BST_TREE* tree, void (*process) (void* dataPtr)){
        _traverse(tree->root, process);
    void _traverse(NODE* root, void (*process) (void* dataPtr)){
        if (root){
            _traverse(root->left, process);
            _traverse(root->right, process);

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "bst_adt.h"
    int compareInt (void* num1, void* num2);
    void printBST (void* num1);
    int main(void){
       BST_TREE* BSTRoot;
       int* dataPtr;
       int dataIn = dataIn + 1;
       printf("Begin BST Demonstration\n");
       BSTRoot = BST_Create(compareInt);
       printf("Enter a list of positive integers\n");
       printf("Enter a negative number to stop.\n");
           printf("Enter a number:");
           scanf("%d", &dataIn);
           if (dataIn > -1){
              dataPtr = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int));
              if (!dataPtr){
                  printf("Memory overflow");
                  exit (100);
              *dataPtr = dataIn;
              BST_Insert (BSTRoot, dataPtr);
       } while (dataIn > -1);
       printf("\nBST contains:\n");
       BST_Traverse(BSTRoot, printBST);
       printf("\nEND BST Demonstration\n");
       return 0;
    int compareInt(void* num1, void* num2){
        int key1;
        int key2;
        key1 = *(int*)num1;
        key2 = *(int*)num2;
        if (key1 < key2)
            return -1;
        if (key1 == key2)
            return 0;
        return +1;
    void printBST(void* num1){
        printf("%4d\n", *(int*)num1);
    Code when compiled and run prints garbage values instead of actual input values. Not sure what am I missing?

    gcc -o bst_int bst_integer.c
    Begin BST Demonstration
    Enter a list of positive integers
    Enter a negative number to stop.
    Enter a number:1
    Enter a number:2
    Enter a number:3
    Enter a number:4
    Enter a number:-1

    BST contains:

    END BST Demonstration

  2. #2
    - - - - - - - - oogabooga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    In BST_Insert line 60 should be:
    newPtr->dataPtr = dataPtr;  // not newPtr
    Also, BST_Insert is supposed to return a bool at the end (presumably true).

    Compiling with warnings enabled would have alerted you to these problems.
    gcc -Wall -Wextra ...

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Thanks for catching the bug. It fixed it.

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