Thread: Accessing next entry in a queue.

  1. #16
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    1) I've told you already that "system" is really a bad name for a variable.

    2) You can't just free a node inside a linked list. You need to change the next-pointer of the previous node to point to the node after the node you want to remove.

    3) You always return 1 so there isn't really a need for the return value at all.

    Bye, Andreas
    Last edited by AndiPersti; 06-08-2013 at 08:41 AM. Reason: removed one point

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    Alright, thanks. And what about the function
    intremoveOrderByName(TaxiSystem * system, char* name)
    Is it coded correctly?
    No it isn't. It doesn't make sense to loop until a specific node is found and then delete the whole system.
    Either you want to free the TaxiSystem then the loop is not needed, or you want to remove a single driver from the driversQueue then you have to unlink it from the list by pointing the previous drivers next pointer to the next driver and then free the driver you have found.

  3. #18
    Registered User migf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    Furthermore, I'd now like to create a function the purpose of which is to delete from the Order's queue a specific order for the driver with the given name. May I write it thus? (Please note that the declarations themselves of the relevant struct and the function are a given)
    typedef struct order{
        int orderID;
        int isSpecific;
        char specificDriver[101];
        struct order* next;
    int removeOrderByName(TaxiSystem * system, char * name){
        while (system->ordersQueue != NULL && !strcmp(system->ordersQueue->specificDriver, name))
            system->ordersQueue = system->ordersQueue->next;
        return 1;
    Nope, this breaks all over the place (you haven't tested it, have you? ;-)

    Perhaps you should step back a bit, and re-familiarize yourself with pointers and linked lists (via the relative chapters in your textbook, for example... or any other source).

    However, I can't really understand why they are forcing you to use a queue implementation that is not utilizing a head and a tail pointer, which is the norm.

    Anyway, here's a possible implementation of a function that removes a node from the drivers queue (which is a vanilla linked-list) based on the name.

    int driversQ_delete_driver_by_name( Driver **driversQ, const char *name )
        Driver *cur = NULL;        /* current node */
        Driver *nxt = NULL;        /* node next to current */
        if ( !driversQ || !(*driversQ) || !name)
            return 0;
        cur = *driversQ;
        /* first node is treated as a special case */
        if ( 0 == strncmp( (*driversQ)->name, name, 101) ) {
            *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next;
            free( cur );
            return 1;
        // walk the queue until either NULL or a node containing 'name' is found
        nxt = cur->next;
        while ( nxt && 0 != strncmp(nxt->name, name, 101) ) {
            cur = nxt;
            nxt = cur->next;
        if ( !nxt )            // data was not found in list
            return 0;
        cur->next = nxt->next;
        free( nxt );
        return 1;
    The tricky part is that we need 2 temporary pointers when walking the list, because if the desired node is found, then before freeing it we need to link its previous node with its next node. Since singly linked lists do not have prev pointers in their node, this approach is necessary.

    It also means that we can treat the first node as a special case, in an effort to simplify the code.

    A similar implementation could be something like the following...

    int driversQ_delete_driver_by_name( Driver **driversQ, const char *name )
        Driver *cur = NULL;            /* current node */
        Driver *prv = NULL;            /* node before current */
        if ( !driversQ || !name )
            return 0;
        /* walk the queue until either NULL or a node containing 'name' is found */
        cur = *driversQ;
        while ( cur && 0 != strncmp(cur->name, name, 101) ) {
            prv = cur;
            cur = cur->next;
        if ( !cur )                /* name was not found */
            return 0;
        if ( cur == *driversQ )            /* name was found in first node */
            *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next;
        else                    /* name was found elsewhere */
            prv->next = cur->next;
        free( cur );
        return 1;
    which is pretty much the same thing with slightly different wording.

    It should be easy to modify it for any of the queues in your exercise, or any other single linked list for that matter (but try them with several test cases, because I haven't).

    PS. Actually, the Internet is full of code snippets and even full programs showing this kind of stuff.
    Last edited by migf1; 06-08-2013 at 09:20 AM.

  4. #19
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    migf1, I'd like to ask you to please explain to me how "->next" is used to refer to the next Driver struct. I mean, isn't it simply a pointer to a particular Driver? How, for instance, by writing
     *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next; 
    , am I
    accessing the next Driver (especially as next itself is never altered within the above function)?

  5. #20
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    I am asked to write a function which removes from the Drivers' queue the first available driver. Based on what criterion may I determine whether a driver is available or not? If a driver isn't available does it necessarily entail that in the Orders' queue there is a specific order under his/her name? Is that the criterion?

  6. #21
    Registered User migf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    migf1, I'd like to ask you to please explain to me how "->next" is used to refer to the next Driver struct. I mean, isn't it simply a pointer to a particular Driver? How, for instance, by writing
     *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next; 
    , am I
    accessing the next Driver (especially as next itself is never altered within the above function)?
    It seems you lack fundamental knowledge of the basics needed to solve this exercise. Those can't be taught via a forum, so I think you should review pointers and linked-lists before attempting to go any further with that exercise.

    If your textbook is not clear enough, Google will provide lots of useful links. Here's one I just found.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    migf1, I'd like to ask you to please explain to me how "->next" is used to refer to the next Driver struct. I mean, isn't it simply a pointer to a particular Driver? How, for instance, by writing

     *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next;

    am I accessing the next Driver (especially as next itself is never altered within the above function)?
    This doesn't access the entire structure, it just copies the pointer to the next structure into the pointer to the current structure.

  8. #23
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    That was highly discouraging, albeit am certain you didn't mean it to be. I misconstrue some particular elements in the logic involved in using structs and pointers, but that does NOT indicate that I "lack the fundamental knowledge of the basics needed to solve this exercise". And the fact that I am finding the exercise challenging, similarly, per se, is not an indication that the only means whereby I could solve it would be resorting to the textbook (or Google). I happen to find some of the comments on this forum in regard to my questions rather helpful and enlightening. A few of the comments greatly contributed to dispel several uncertainties and scruples. I strongly believe that via the appropriate guidance, in this forum, I shall be able to solve this exercise quite well and mostly by myself.
    Last edited by peripatein; 06-09-2013 at 04:40 PM.

  9. #24
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    But why, how rather, does "next" have the address to the next Driver struct?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    But why, how rather, does "next" have the address to the next Driver struct?
    I'm assuming that the program that created the linked list of driver structs set all of the "next" pointers in all of the driver strurctures to the "next" driver structures while it was adding driver structures to the linked list.
    Last edited by rcgldr; 06-09-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  11. #26
    Registered User migf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    That was highly discouraging, albeit am certain you didn't mean it to be. I misconstrue some particular elements in the logic involved in using structs and pointers, but that does NOT indicate that I "lack the fundamental knowledge of the basics needed to solve this exercise". And the fact that I am finding the exercise challenging, similarly, per se, is not an indication that the only means whereby I could solve it would be resorting to the textbook (or Google). I happen to find some of the comments on this forum in regard to my questions rather helpful and enlightening. A few of the comments greatly contributed to dispel several uncertainties and scruples. I strongly believe that via the appropriate guidance, in this forum, I shall be able to solve this exercise quite well and mostly by myself.
    I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to discourage you! On the contrary, I tried to encourage you by providing a link I really consider a good source and I have even written code to help you progress in your exercise.

    But judging from the questions you put, I understood that my responses confuse you more instead of pushing you ahead. The most probable reason of this, imho, is that you aren't comfortable with the basics upon this exercise builds upon.

    I really believe that it will be better for you if you first familiarize yourself with those basics, and then try to continue with this exercise. It will also be better for us, because then we'll all have a minimum common ground to talk about.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by peripatein View Post
    But why, how rather, does "next" have the address to the next Driver struct?
    Example code that creates a linked list of nodes, then frees that linked list of nodes:

    #include <malloc.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    typedef struct _NODE{
        struct _NODE *next;
        int data;
    }NODE, *PNODE;
    #define NUMNODES 4
    int main (void)
    PNODE nodeq;                /* node queue */
    PNODE pnode = NULL;         /* ptr to current node */
    PNODE ptemp;                /* temp ptr */
    int i;
        if(NUMNODES <= 0)
        for(i = 0; i < NUMNODES; i++){
            ptemp = pnode;      /* save ptr */
            pnode = malloc(sizeof(NODE));
            pnode->next = NULL;
            pnode->data = 0;
            if(i == 0)          /* if first one set nodeq */
                nodeq = pnode;
            else                /* else set previous next ptr */
                ptemp->next = pnode;
    /* free memory */
        for(pnode = nodeq; pnode != NULL;){
            ptemp = pnode;
            pnode = pnode->next;

  13. #28
    Registered User migf1's Avatar
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    I felt bad, so here is a sample program implementing the basic queue operations on a vanilla singly linked list, plus the function that deletes a driver by name (it may contains bugs)...

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct driver{
        char           name[101];
        int            priority;
        struct driver  *next;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Destroy the queue and set it to NULL
    void driversQ_free( Driver **driversQ )
        Driver *temp = NULL;
        if ( !driversQ )
        temp = *driversQ;
        while ( *driversQ ) {
            temp = (*driversQ)->next;
            free( *driversQ );
            *driversQ = temp;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Create a node with the specified data and insert it at the back of the queue.
    int driversQ_enqueue( Driver **driversQ, const char *name, int priority )
        Driver *node = NULL;
        if ( !driversQ )
            return 0;
        /* create & set a new node */
        node = malloc( sizeof(Driver) );
        if ( !node )
            return 0;
        strncpy( node->name, name, 101 );
        node->priority    = priority;
        node->next    = NULL;
        /* when queue is empty */
        if ( !(*driversQ) ) {
            *driversQ = node;
        /* when queue already has at least one node */
        else {
            node->next = *driversQ;
            *driversQ = node;
        return 1;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Remove the front node of the queue.
    int driversQ_dequeue( Driver **driversQ )
        Driver *cur = NULL;
        Driver *nxt = NULL;
        if ( !driversQ )
            return 0;
        if ( !(*driversQ) )
            return 1;
        /* when queue has only one node */
        if ( !(*driversQ)->next ) {
            free( *driversQ );
            *driversQ = NULL;
            return 1;
        /* walk the queue until last valid node */
        cur = *driversQ;
        nxt = (*driversQ)->next;
        while ( nxt->next ) {
            cur = nxt;
            nxt = nxt->next;
        cur->next = NULL;
        return 1;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Starting from the back of the queue, delete the
     * first node found to contain the specified name.
    int driversQ_delete_driver_by_name( Driver **driversQ, const char *name )
        Driver *cur = NULL;        /* current node */
        Driver *nxt = NULL;        /* node next to current */
        if ( !driversQ || !(*driversQ) || !name)
            return 0;
        cur = *driversQ;
        /* first node is treated as a special case */
        if ( 0 == strncmp( (*driversQ)->name, name, 101) ) {
            *driversQ = (*driversQ)->next;
            free( cur );
            return 1;
        // walk the queue until either NULL or a node containing 'name' is found
        nxt = cur->next;
        while ( nxt && 0 != strncmp(nxt->name, name, 101) ) {
            cur = nxt;
            nxt = cur->next;
        if ( !nxt )            // data was not found in list
            return 0;
        cur->next = nxt->next;
        free( nxt );
        return 1;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Print all nodes of the queue, back to front.
    void driversQ_print( const Driver *driversQ )
        while ( driversQ ) {
            printf( "%s %d\n", driversQ->name, driversQ->priority );
            driversQ = driversQ->next;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Program entry point.
    int main( void )
        int i;
        Driver *driversQ = NULL;
        const char *testname = "driver-1";
        driversQ_enqueue( &driversQ, "driver-1", 0 );
        driversQ_enqueue( &driversQ, "driver-2", 1 );
        driversQ_enqueue( &driversQ, "driver-3", 0 );
        driversQ_enqueue( &driversQ, "driver-4", 0 );
        driversQ_print( driversQ );
        if ( !driversQ_delete_driver_by_name(&driversQ, testname) ) {
            printf( "Driver %s was not found\n", testname );
        else {
            driversQ_print( driversQ );
        for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
            puts( "Dequeueing..." );
            driversQ_dequeue( &driversQ );
            driversQ_print( driversQ );
        driversQ_free( &driversQ );
        return 0;

    The address of the queue's head pointer is passed to functions that may modify it (thus the double pointer declaration in the parameter list of those functions).
    Last edited by migf1; 06-09-2013 at 07:58 PM.

  14. #29
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    migf1, you are so kind and sweet. I didn't take offense at your words. Everything is fine, as far as I am concerned :-). I merely wished to emphasize that your code, viz. removeOrderByName, was so helpful and insightful that I believe I might have correctly managed to write many of the other functions myself without resorting to textbooks and sites. Your code has enabled me to make a considerable headway in my work and to substantially, exponentially increase my understanding of these somewhat challenging topics in C. Ergo, the merit of textbooks and sites aside, this forum has demonstrated itself to be particularly beneficial and it feels I am very close to finally understanding these topic!
    On that note, I would like to thank you once more for all the code that you have written here to assist me, and also to ask you regarding removing from the Drivers' queue the first driver who is available. How may I determine which driver is available? Should I contact my instructor for that or is it rather clear that that ought to be based on whether or not in the Orders' queue there is a specific order under that particular driver's name?

  15. #30
    Registered User migf1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad I helped.

    If I understand your last question correctly, all you have to do is to check if the head pointer of the queue is NULL or not. If it is, then the queue is empty. If not, then in order to remove the 1st node you can set a temporary pointer equal to the head pointer of the queue, then move the head pointer to the next node and finally free() the previously first node via the temporary pointer.

    Driver *temp = driversQ;  // set temp pointer to queue's head
    if ( driversQ ) {
        driversQ = driversQ->next;
        free( temp );

    I forgot to mention that in the code I've showed in the previous post, the head pointer of the queue corresponds to the back of the queue. So the front of the queue is its last node. You could modify the code, so that the head pointer is the front of the queue instead (which is most common).

    Depending on your implementation, you may need to remove either the 1st or the last node of the queue. The latter requires to traverse the queue until its last node, and carrying an extra pointer along the way, pointing to the previous node of the current one, so when the last node is reached you can set previous->next to NULL after freeing up the current node.

    That's why implementing the queue form the beginning with a head and a tail pointer is the norm. Because this way, you do not need to traverse the whole queue in order to access its last item. And since there are no prev pointers in the nodes, it is better for the dequeue() operation to have the head pointer representing the front of the queue.

    I hope it makes sense.
    Last edited by migf1; 06-11-2013 at 03:13 AM.

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