Hi all,
This may be a stupid question, but I have never read in a file before in C so can't figure this one out. I have the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NAME_LEN 30
#define LINE_LEN 80

struct record {
	char *firstname;
	char *lastname;
	long int idnumber;
	int ccode;
	long int phonenum;
	struct record *next;
typedef struct record STUDENT;

STUDENT *header;  /* pointer to the start of linked list */

char fname[NAME_LEN], lname[NAME_LEN];
char filename[LINE_LEN];
long int id, phone;
int course;

FILE *fptr;

STUDENT *makenode(long int stud_id, int c_code, long int phone, char *fname, char *lname);
void insert_node();
void delete_node();
void search_node();
void print_list();
void output_list();

int main()
	int choice;
	STUDENT *p, *q;
	q = NULL;
	printf(" Enter the input file name: ");
	fptr= fopen(filename, "r");
	if (fptr == NULL)
		printf("Error, can't open the input file %s \n", filename);
		while (!feof(fptr))
			fscanf(fptr," %s %s %ld %d %ld", fname, lname, &id, &course, &phone);
			/* printf("%s  %s  %ld %d %ld \n",fname, lname,id,course,phone);*/
			p=makenode(id,course, phone, fname, lname);
			p->next= q;
and I also have a file named"student.dat" with the following data:
Chris Thomson 18344567 2320 95656777
Anna Smith 19233350 0085 99055681
John Kennedy 18345678 0333 97913467

I was unsure of what to do so added this to the project like I would any other c file. Then ran my code, if i type in "student" or "student.dat" (without the double quotes) my program immediately reads my error message saying it can not open the input file and terminates the program.

why can I not read in this file? Any help fixing up this error would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!