Thread: Greetings! My first post! C/Fotran hybrid code using MPI/ScaLAPACK seg faults weird

  1. #1
    Registered User ejspeiro's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA

    Question Greetings! My first post! C/Fotran hybrid code using MPI/ScaLAPACK seg faults weird


    first post here in this amazing community from which I have actually found many answers in the past!

    Please excuse any rookie mistake!

    As part of my research, I am currently trying to get a functioning driver in order to solve a banded system of equations arising from the numerical discretization of a Partial Differential Equation (PDE), for which I am using ScaLAPACK, which relies on MPI.

    This is the original code I am trying to study and translate from Fortran into C: LINK.

    This is what I have so far:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include "mpi.h"
    #define PRINT_NOTHING             0
    #define PRINT_UP_TO_MESGS         1
    #define PRINT_UP_TO_ARRAYS        2
    #define PRINT_UP_TO_MATRICES      3
    #define PRINT_LEVEL               PRINT_UP_TO_MATRICES
    /*! Parameters: */
    #define TOTMEM                    425053208
    #define INTMEM                    13107200
    #define NTESTS                    20
    #define DLEN_                     9
    #define DBLESZ                    8               /*! Size of a DOUBLE PRE. */
    #define MEMSIZ                    425053208/8     /*! Memory for DOUBLE PRE. */
    #define MASTER                    0
    #define MPI_ERROR_CODE_NOT_FACT   2
    #define BLACS_USER_WONT_FIN_MPI   0
    #define BLACS_USER_WILL_FIN_MPI   1
    #define DESCRIPTOR_SIZE           7
    typedef enum {
    } logical;
    /*! External subroutines: */
    extern void Cblacs_barrier  (int context,
                                 char* scope);
    extern void Cblacs_exit     (int doneflag);
    extern void Cblacs_get      (int ,
                                 int ,
                                 int *context);
    extern void Cblacs_gridexit (int context);
    extern void Cblacs_gridinfo (int context,
                                 int *our_nprow,
                                 int *our_npcol,
                                 int *my_prow,
                                 int *my_pcol);
    extern void Cblacs_gridinit (int* context,
                                 char* order,
                                 int nproc_rows,
                                 int nproc_cols);
    extern void Cblacs_pinfo    (int *my_blacs_pid,
                                 int *our_blacs_nprocs);
    /* */
    extern void descinit_       (int *desc,
                                 int *m,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *mb,
                                 int *nb,
                                 int *irsrc,
                                 int *icsrc,
                                 int *ictxt,
                                 int *lld,
                                 int *info);
    /* */
    extern void igsum2d_        (int *contxt,
                                 char *scope,
                                 char *top,
                                 int *m,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *a,
                                 int *lda,
                                 int *rdest,
                                 int *cdest);
    /* */
    extern void pdbmatgen_      (int *ictxt,
                                 char *aform,
                                 char *aform2,
                                 int *bwl,
                                 int *bwu,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *mb,
                                 int *nb,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *lda,
                                 int *iarow,
                                 int *iacol,
                                 int *iseed,
                                 int *myrow,
                                 int *mycol,
                                 int *nprow,
                                 int *npcol);
    /* */
    extern void pdchekpad_      (int * ictxt,
                                 char *mess,
                                 int *m,
                                 int *n,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *lda,
                                 int *ipre,
                                 int *ipost,
                                 double *chkval);
    /* */
    extern void pddblaschk_     (char *symm,
                                 char *uplo,
                                 char *trans,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *bwl,
                                 int *bwu,
                                 int *nrhs,
                                 double *x,
                                 int *ix,
                                 int *jx,
                                 int *descx,
                                 int *iaseed,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *ia,
                                 int *ja,
                                 int *desca,
                                 int *ibseed,
                                 double *anorm,
                                 double *resid,
                                 double *work,
                                 int *worksiz);
    /* */
    extern void pdfillpad_      (int *ictxt,
                                 int *m,
                                 int *n,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *lda,
                                 int *ipre,
                                 int *ipost,
                                 double *chkval);
    /* */
    extern void pdgbinfo_       (char *summry,
                                 int *nout,
                                 char *trans,
                                 int *nmat,
                                 int *nval,
                                 int *ldnval,
                                 int *nbw,
                                 int *bwlval,
                                 int *bwuval,
                                 int *ldbwval,
                                 int *nnb,
                                 int *nbval,
                                 int *ldnbval,
                                 int *nnr,
                                 int *nrval,
                                 int *ldnrval,
                                 int *nnbr,
                                 int *nbrval,
                                 int *ldnbrval,
                                 int *ngrids,
                                 int *pval,
                                 int *ldpval,
                                 int *qval,
                                 int *ldqval,
                                 float *thresh,
                                 double *work,  /* Array to gather and bcast. */
                                 int *iam,
                                 int *nprocs);
    /* */
    extern void pdgbtrf_        (int *n,
                                 int *bwl,
                                 int *bwu,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *ja,
                                 int *desca,
                                 int *ipiv,
                                 double *af,
                                 int *laf,
                                 double *work,
                                 int *lwork,
                                 int *info);
    /* */
    extern void pdgbtrs_        (char *trans,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *bwl,
                                 int *bwu,
                                 int *nrhs,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *ja,
                                 int *desca,
                                 int *ipiv,
                                 double *b,
                                 int *ib,
                                 int *descb,
                                 double *af,
                                 int *laf,
                                 double *work,
                                 int *lwork,
                                 int *info);
    extern void pdmatgen_       (int *ictxt,
                                 char *aform,
                                 char *diag,
                                 int *m,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *mb,
                                 int *nb,
                                 double *a,
                                 int *lda,
                                 int *iarow,
                                 int *iacol,
                                 int *iseed,
                                 int *iroff,
                                 int *irnum,
                                 int *icoff,
                                 int *icnum,
                                 int *myrow,
                                 int *mycol,
                                 int *nprow,
                                 int *npcol);
    /* */
    extern void slboot_         (void);
    extern void slcombine_      (int *ictxt,
                                 char *scope,
                                 char *op,
                                 char *timetype,
                                 int *n,
                                 int *ibeg,
                                 double *times);
    extern void sltimer_        ( int *i );
    /*! External functions: */
    /* */
    extern int numroc_      (int *n,
                             int *nb,
                             int *iproc,
                             int *isrcproc,
                             int *nprocs);
    /* */
    extern logical lsame_   (char *ca,
                             char *cb);
    /* */
    extern double pdlange_  (char *norm,
                             int *m,
                             int *n,
                             double *a,
                             int *ia,
                             int *ja,
                             int *desca,
                             double *work );
    /*! Intrinsic functions: */
    /*       INTRINSIC          DBLE, MAX, MIN, MOD */
    inline double DBLE(int xx) { return (double) xx; }
    inline double MAX(double xx, double yy) { return xx >= yy? xx: yy; }
    inline double MIN(double xx, double yy) { return xx <= yy? xx: yy; }
    inline int MOD(int xx, int yy) { return xx%yy; }
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
      /*! Parameters: */
      int ntests = NTESTS;  /* Number of num. tests to be performed */
      //   int       BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D = 1;
      //   int       DTYPE_ = 1;
      //   int       CTXT_ = 2;
      //   int       M_ = 3;
      //   int       N_ = 4;
      //   int       MB_ = 5;
      //   int       NB_ = 6;
      //   int       RSRC_ = 7;
      //   int       CSRC_ = 8;
      //   int       LLD_ = 9;
      //   double    ZERO = 0.0;
      //   double    PADVAL = -9923.0;
      //   int       INT_ONE = 1;
      /*! Local scalars: */
      logical   CHECK;        /* Should or shouldn't I perform the num. tests? */
      char      TRANS;        /* Should I transpose the matrix? */
      //   char      PASSED[6];
      char      OUTFILE[80];  /* ? */
      //   int       BWL;
      //   int       BWU;
      //   int       BW_NUM;
      //   int       FILLIN_SIZE;
      //   int       FREE_PTR;
      //   int       H;
      //   int       HH;
      int       I;          /* Iterator per process grid. */
      int       IAM;          /* My MPI process ID. */
      int       IASEED;       /* Seed for random matrix A creation. */
      int       IBSEED;       /* Seed for random matrix B creation. */
      //   int       ICTXT;
      //   int       ICTXTB;
      //   int       IERR_TEMP;
      //   int       IMIDPAD;
      //   int       INFO;
      //   int       IPA;
      //   int       IPB;
      //   int       IPOSTPAD;
      //   int       IPREPAD;
      //   int       IPW;
      //   int       IPW_SIZE;
      //   int       IPW_SOLVE;
      //   int       IPW_SOLVE_SIZE;
      //   int       IP_DRIVER_W;
      //   int       IP_FILLIN;
      //   int       J;
      //   int       K;
      /*! Data statements: */
      //   int       KFAIL = 4;
      //   int       KPASS = 4;
      //   int       KSKIP = 4;
      //   int       KTESTS = 4;
      /*! Local scalars: (continued) */
      //   int       MYCOL;
      //   int       MYRHS_SIZE;
      //   int       MYROW;
      //   int       N;
      //   int       NB;
      int       NBW;    /* Number of bandwith values per matrix. */
      int       NGRIDS; /* Number of process grids to try for. */
      int       NMAT;   /* Number of matrices  */
      int       NNB;    /* Number of sizes of NB (block column size). */
      int       NNBR;
      int       NNR;
      int       NOUT;   /* Device out... o.O */
      //   int       NP;
      int       NPCOL;  /* Procs per row in processors grid/ */
      int       NPROCS; /* The size of OUR communicator. */
      //   int       NPROCS_REAL;
      int       NPROW;  /* Procs per row in processors grid/ */
      //   int       NQ;
      //   int       NRHS;
      //   int       N_FIRST;
      //   int       N_LAST;
      //   int       WORKSIZ;
      float     THRESH; /* Threshold variable for numerical tests. */
      //   double    ANORM;
      //   double    NOPS;
      //   double    NOPS2;
      //   double    SRESID;
      //   double    TMFLOPS;
      //   double    TMFLOPS2;
      /*! Local arrays: */
      //   int       IPIV[INTMEM];
      int       BWLVAL[NTESTS];  /* Values of lower diagonals per matrix. */
      int       BWUVAL[NTESTS];  /* Values of upper diagonals per matrix. */
      //   int       DESCA[7];
      //   int       DESCA2D[DLEN_];
      //   int       DESCB[7];
      //   int       DESCB2D[DLEN_];
      //   int       IERR[1];
      int       NBRVAL[NTESTS]; /* ? */
      int       NBVAL[NTESTS];  /* Column sizes per matrix. */
      int       NRVAL[NTESTS];  /* ? */
      int       NVAL[NTESTS];   /* Values of N for a given matrix. */
      int       PVAL[NTESTS];   /* Values for proc. rows. */
      int       QVAL[NTESTS];   /* Values for proc. cols. */
      //   double    CTIME[2];
      double    *MEM;      /* GLOABL array for broadcasting the information. */
      //   double    WTIME[2];
      /*! Executable statements: */
      /*! Get starting information: */
      Cblacs_pinfo(&IAM, &NPROCS);
      IASEED = 100;
      IBSEED = 200;
      MEM = (double *) malloc(MEMSIZ);
      pdgbinfo_(OUTFILE, &NOUT, &TRANS, &NMAT, NVAL, &ntests, &NBW,
                BWLVAL, BWUVAL, &ntests, &NNB, NBVAL, &ntests, &NNR,
                NRVAL, &ntests, &NNBR, NBRVAL, &ntests, &NGRIDS, PVAL,
                &ntests, QVAL, &ntests, &THRESH, MEM, &IAM, &NPROCS);
      CHECK = (THRESH >= 0.0f);
      /*! Print headings: */
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "TIME TR      N  BWL BWU    NB  NRHS    P    Q L*U Time Slv Time   MFLOPS   MFLOP2  CHECK\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "---- -- ------  --- ---  ---- ----- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      /*! Loop over different process grids: */
      for (I = 1; I <= NGRIDS; I++) {
        NPROW = PVAL[I - 1];
        NPCOL = QVAL[I - 1];
        fprintf(stdout, "Solving for a %d x %d grid!\n", NPROW, NPCOL);
    Please excuse the amount of commented-out variables, but like I said, I am basically translating the reference driver, from scratch.

    My problem is that it suddenly started seg-faulting, as soon as I wrote the for loop... it was working before. That is a clear sign of a funky memory manipulation issue, which probably arises from issues related to the memory management differences between C and Fortran.

    At least, that is my guess.

    Does anybody has a clue on what may be going wrong?

    Thanks in advanced!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Aug 2005
    for (I = 1; I <= NGRIDS; I++) {
        NPROW = PVAL[I - 1];
        NPCOL = QVAL[I - 1];
        fprintf(stdout, "Solving for a %d x %d grid!\n", NPROW, NPCOL);
    This looks suspicious to me. PVAL and QVAL are defined to have NTESTS elements

  3. #3
    Registered User ejspeiro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    San Diego, CA
    Dear ZuK:

    Quote Originally Posted by ZuK View Post
    for (I = 1; I <= NGRIDS; I++) {
        NPROW = PVAL[I - 1];
        NPCOL = QVAL[I - 1];
        fprintf(stdout, "Solving for a %d x %d grid!\n", NPROW, NPCOL);
    This looks suspicious to me. PVAL and QVAL are defined to have NTESTS elements
    I agree. BUT in the original driver, that is how it is coded. Now, NTESTS equals 20 as a constant, and NGRIDS equals to 1 at the moment we reach the loop. Furthermore, if you comment out the entire loop, the seg-faults continues.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Registered User ejspeiro's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA
    This is what I mean with "weird": I deleted the loop, and added printing statement for the variable MEM:

      pdgbinfo_(OUTFILE, &NOUT, &TRANS, &NMAT, NVAL, &ntests, &NBW,
                BWLVAL, BWUVAL, &ntests, &NNB, NBVAL, &ntests, &NNR,
                NRVAL, &ntests, &NNBR, NBRVAL, &ntests, &NGRIDS, PVAL,
                &ntests, QVAL, &ntests, &THRESH, MEM, &IAM, &NPROCS);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 1 = %g\n", MEM[0]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 2 = %g\n", MEM[1]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 3 = %g\n", MEM[2]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 4 = %g\n", MEM[3]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 5 = %g\n", MEM[4]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 6 = %g\n", MEM[5]);
      fprintf(stdout, "MEM 7 = %g\n", MEM[6]);
    //   CHECK = (THRESH >= 0.0f);
    //   /*! Print headings: */
    //   fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    //   fprintf(stdout, "TIME TR      N  BWL BWU    NB  NRHS    P    Q L*U Time Slv Time   MFLOPS   MFLOP2  CHECK\n");
    //   fprintf(stdout, "---- -- ------  --- ---  ---- ----- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------\n");
    //   fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    //   fflush(stdout);
      /*! Loop over different process grids: */
    //   for (I = 1; I <= NGRIDS; I++) {
    //     NPROW = PVAL[I - 1];
    //     NPCOL = QVAL[I - 1];
    //     fprintf(stdout, "Solving for a %d x %d grid!\n", NPROW, NPCOL);
    //   }
    And it now works...

    [ejspeiro@node01 scalapack-ex07]$ make clean; make; make run np=1
    rm -f *.o blogs
    gcc -I/opt/intel/impi/ -c -DAdd_ -g -Wall -Werror blogs.c
    gfortran -g -o blogs blogs.o /home/ejspeiro/libraries/scalapack-2.0.2/TESTING/LIN/pdgbinfo.o /home/ejspeiro/libraries/scalapack-2.0.2/libscalapack.a /home/ejspeiro/libraries/lapack-3.4.1/liblapack.a \
            /home/ejspeiro/libraries/BLAS/libblas.a -L/opt/intel/impi/ -lmpi -lmpigf -lmpigi -lrt -lpthread -ldl
    mpirun -r ssh -f mpd.hosts -np 1 `pwd`/blogs
    SCALAPACK banded linear systems.
    'MPI machine'                                                                  
    Tests of the parallel real double precision band matrix solve 
    The following scaled residual checks will be computed:
     Solve residual         = ||Ax - b|| / (||x|| * ||A|| * eps * N)
     Factorization residual = ||A - LU|| / (||A|| * eps * N)
    The matrix A is randomly generated for each test.
    An explanation of the input/output parameters follows:
    TIME    : Indicates whether WALL or CPU time was used.
    N       : The number of rows and columns in the matrix A.
    bwl, bwu      : The number of diagonals in the matrix A.
    NB      : The size of the column panels the matrix A is split into. [-1 for default]
    NRHS    : The total number of RHS to solve for.
    NBRHS   : The number of RHS to be put on a column of processes before going
              on to the next column of processes.
    P       : The number of process rows.
    Q       : The number of process columns.
    THRESH  : If a residual value is less than THRESH, CHECK is flagged as PASSED
    Fact time: Time in seconds to factor the matrix
    Sol Time: Time in seconds to solve the system.
    MFLOPS  : Rate of execution for factor and solve using sequential operation count.
    MFLOP2  : Rough estimate of speed using actual op count (accurate big P,N).
    The following parameter values will be used:
      N    :            12
      bwl  :             4
      bwu  :             3
      NB   :            -1
      NRHS :             1
      NBRHS:             1
      P    :             1
      Q    :             1
    Relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be       0.111022E-15
    Routines pass computational tests if scaled residual is less than   3.0000    
    MEM 1 = 8.48798e-314
    MEM 2 = nan
    MEM 3 = 2.122e-314
    MEM 4 = 2.122e-314
    MEM 5 = 0
    MEM 6 = 0
    MEM 7 = 0
    [ejspeiro@node01 scalapack-ex07]$

  5. #5
    Registered User rogster001's Avatar
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    Liverpool UK
    whatever all that is about, don't post code with masses of commented out lines.
    Thought for the day:
    "Are you sure your sanity chip is fully screwed in sir?" (Kryten)
    FLTK: "The most fun you can have with your clothes on."

    "If I had thought of it and had some marketing sense every computer and just about any gadget would have had a little 'C++ Inside' sticker on it'"

  6. #6
    Registered User ejspeiro's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA
    I am sorry! I know is not for the best, but as I wrote, I did it, to make emphasis on the fact that when those lines are commented out, the behavior of the code is altered drastically.


  7. #7
    Registered User ejspeiro's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    San Diego, CA

    Question Update

    Here's the code for the PDGBINFO Fortran subroutine:

         $                     BWLVAL, BWUVAL, LDBWVAL, NNB, NBVAL, LDNBVAL,
         $                     NNR, NRVAL, LDNRVAL, NNBR, NBRVAL, LDNBRVAL,
         $                     NGRIDS, PVAL, LDPVAL, QVAL, LDQVAL, THRESH,
         $                     WORK, IAM, NPROCS )
    *  -- ScaLAPACK routine (version 1.7) --
    *     University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
    *     and University of California, Berkeley.
    *     November 15, 1997
    *     .. Scalar Arguments ..
          CHARACTER          TRANS
          CHARACTER*(*)      SUMMRY
          INTEGER            IAM,
         $                   LDBWVAL, LDNBRVAL, LDNBVAL, LDNRVAL, LDNVAL,
         $                   LDPVAL, LDQVAL, NGRIDS, NMAT, NNB, NNBR, NBW,
         $                   NPROCS, NNR, NOUT
          REAL               THRESH
    *     ..
    *     .. Array Arguments ..
          INTEGER            NBRVAL( LDNBRVAL ), NBVAL( LDNBVAL ),
         $                   NRVAL( LDNRVAL ), NVAL( LDNVAL ),
         $                   BWLVAL( LDBWVAL),BWUVAL( LDBWVAL),
         $                   PVAL( LDPVAL ), QVAL(LDQVAL), WORK( * )
    *     ..
    *  Purpose
    *  =======
    *  PDGBINFO get needed startup information for band factorization
    *  and transmits it to all processes.
    *  Arguments
    *  =========
    *  SUMMRY   (global output) CHARACTER*(*)
    *           Name of output (summary) file (if any). Only defined for
    *           process 0.
    *  NOUT     (global output) INTEGER
    *           The unit number for output file. NOUT = 6, ouput to screen,
    *           NOUT = 0, output to stderr.  Only defined for process 0.
    *  NMAT     (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for N.
    *  NVAL     (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDNVAL)
    *           The values of N (number of columns in matrix) to run the
    *           code with.
    *  NBW      (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for @bw@.
    *  BWLVAL   (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDNVAL)
    *           The values of BWL (number of subdiagonals in matrix) to run
    *           the code with.
    *  BWUVAL   (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDNVAL)
    *           The values of BW (number of supdiagonals in matrix) to run
    *           the code with.
    *  LDNVAL   (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           N, LDNVAL > =  NMAT.
    *  NNB      (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for NB.
    *  NBVAL    (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDNBVAL)
    *           The values of NB (blocksize) to run the code with.
    *  LDNBVAL  (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           NB, LDNBVAL >= NNB.
    *  NNR      (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for NRHS.
    *  NRVAL    (global output) INTEGER array, dimension(LDNRVAL)
    *           The values of NRHS (# of Right Hand Sides) to run the code
    *           with.
    *  LDNRVAL  (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           NRHS, LDNRVAL >= NNR.
    *  NNBR     (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for NBRHS.
    *  NBRVAL   (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDNBRVAL)
    *           The values of NBRHS (RHS blocksize) to run the code with.
    *  LDNBRVAL (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           NBRHS, LDNBRVAL >= NBRVAL.
    *  NGRIDS   (global output) INTEGER
    *           The number of different values that can be used for P & Q.
    *  PVAL     (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDPVAL)
    *           Not used (will be returned as all 1s) since proc grid is 1D
    *  LDPVAL   (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           P, LDPVAL >= NGRIDS.
    *  QVAL     (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (LDQVAL)
    *           The values of Q (number of process columns) to run the code
    *           with.
    *  LDQVAL   (global input) INTEGER
    *           The maximum number of different values that can be used for
    *           Q, LDQVAL >= NGRIDS.
    *  THRESH   (global output) REAL
    *           Indicates what error checks shall be run and printed out:
    *            = 0 : Perform no error checking
    *            > 0 : report all residuals greater than THRESH, perform
    *                  factor check only if solve check fails
    *  WORK     (local workspace) INTEGER array of dimension >=
    *    $              +3*LDNVAL)
    *           Used to pack input arrays in order to send info in one
    *           message.
    *  IAM      (local input) INTEGER
    *           My process number.
    *  NPROCS   (global input) INTEGER
    *           The total number of processes.
    * ======================================================================
    * Note: For packing the information we assumed that the length in bytes
    * ===== of an integer is equal to the length in bytes of a real single
    *       precision.
    *  =====================================================================
    *  Code Developer: Andrew J. Cleary, University of Tennessee.
    *    Current address: Lawrence Livermore National Labs.
    *  This version released: August, 2001.
    * ======================================================================
    *     .. Parameters ..
          INTEGER            NIN
          PARAMETER          ( NIN = 11 )
    *     ..
    *     .. Local Scalars ..
          INTEGER            I, ICTXT
          CHARACTER*79       USRINFO
    *     ..
    *     .. External Subroutines ..
         $                   BLACS_GRIDINIT, BLACS_SETUP, ICOPY, IGEBR2D,
         $                   IGEBS2D, SGEBR2D, SGEBS2D
    *     ..
    *     .. External Functions ..
          LOGICAL            LSAME
          EXTERNAL           LSAME, PDLAMCH
    *     ..
    *     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
          INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN
    *     ..
    *     .. Executable Statements ..
    *     Process 0 reads the input data, broadcasts to other processes and
    *     writes needed information to NOUT
          IF( IAM.EQ.0 ) THEN
    *        Open file and skip data file header
             OPEN( NIN, FILE = 'BLU.dat', STATUS = 'OLD' )
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) SUMMRY
             SUMMRY = ' '
    *        Read in user-supplied info about machine type, compiler, etc.
             READ( NIN, FMT = 9999 ) USRINFO
    *        Read name and unit number for summary output file
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) SUMMRY
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NOUT
             IF( NOUT.NE.0 .AND. NOUT.NE.6 )
         $      OPEN( NOUT, FILE = SUMMRY, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
    *        Read and check the parameter values for the tests.
    *        Get TRANS
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) TRANS
    *        Get number of matrices and their dimensions
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NMAT
             IF( NMAT.LT.1 .OR. NMAT.GT.LDNVAL ) THEN
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'N', LDNVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( NVAL( I ), I = 1, NMAT )
    *        Get bandwidths
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NBW
             IF( NBW.LT.1 .OR. NBW.GT.LDBWVAL ) THEN
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'BW', LDBWVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( BWLVAL( I ), I = 1, NBW )
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( BWUVAL( I ), I = 1, NBW )
    *        Get values of NB
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NNB
             IF( NNB.LT.1 .OR. NNB.GT.LDNBVAL ) THEN
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'NB', LDNBVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( NBVAL( I ), I = 1, NNB )
    *        Get values of NRHS
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NNR
             IF( NNR.LT.1 .OR. NNR.GT.LDNRVAL ) THEN
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'NRHS', LDNRVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( NRVAL( I ), I = 1, NNR )
    *        Get values of NBRHS
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NNBR
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'NBRHS', LDNBRVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( NBRVAL( I ), I = 1, NNBR )
    *        Get number of grids
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NGRIDS
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'Grids', LDPVAL
                GO TO 20
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9994 ) 'Grids', LDQVAL
                GO TO 20
             END IF
    *        Processor grid must be 1D so set PVAL to 1
             DO 8738 I = 1, NGRIDS
                PVAL( I ) = 1
     8738    CONTINUE
    *        Get values of Q
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( QVAL( I ), I = 1, NGRIDS )
    *        Get level of checking
             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) THRESH
    *        Close input file
             CLOSE( NIN )
    *        For pvm only: if virtual machine not set up, allocate it and
    *        spawn the correct number of processes.
             IF( NPROCS.LT.1 ) THEN
                NPROCS = 0
                DO 10 I = 1, NGRIDS
                   NPROCS = MAX( NPROCS, PVAL( I )*QVAL( I ) )
       10       CONTINUE
                CALL BLACS_SETUP( IAM, NPROCS )
             END IF
    *        Temporarily define blacs grid to include all processes so
    *        information can be broadcast to all processes.
             CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, ICTXT )
             CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( ICTXT, 'Row-major', 1, NPROCS )
    *        Compute machine epsilon
             EPS = PDLAMCH( ICTXT, 'eps' )
    *        Pack information arrays and broadcast
             CALL SGEBS2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, THRESH, 1 )
             I = 1
             WORK( I ) = NMAT
             I = I+1
             WORK( I ) = NBW
             I = I+1
             WORK( I ) = NNB
             I = I+1
             WORK( I ) = NNR
             I = I+1
             WORK( I ) = NNBR
             I = I+1
             WORK( I ) = NGRIDS
             I = I+1
             IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) THEN
                WORK( I ) = 1
                TRANS = 'T'
                WORK( I ) = 2
             END IF
             I = I+1
    *        Send number of elements to be sent
             CALL IGEBS2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, I-1, 1 )
    *        Send elements
             CALL IGEBS2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', I-1, 1, WORK, I-1 )
             I = 1
             CALL ICOPY( NMAT, NVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NMAT
             CALL ICOPY( NBW, BWLVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NBW
             CALL ICOPY( NBW, BWUVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NBW
             CALL ICOPY( NNB, NBVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NNB
             CALL ICOPY( NNR, NRVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NNR
             CALL ICOPY( NNBR, NBRVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NNBR
             CALL ICOPY( NGRIDS, PVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NGRIDS
             CALL ICOPY( NGRIDS, QVAL, 1, WORK( I ), 1 )
             I = I + NGRIDS
             CALL IGEBS2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', I-1, 1, WORK, I-1 )
    *        regurgitate input
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'SCALAPACK banded linear systems.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) USRINFO
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'Tests of the parallel '//
         $                   'real double precision band matrix solve '
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'The following scaled residual '//
         $                   'checks will be computed:'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   ' Solve residual         = ||Ax - b|| / '//
         $                   '(||x|| * ||A|| * eps * N)'
                WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   ' Factorization residual = ||A - LU|| /'//
         $                   ' (||A|| * eps * N)'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'The matrix A is randomly '//
         $                   'generated for each test.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'An explanation of the input/output '//
         $                   'parameters follows:'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'TIME    : Indicates whether WALL or '//
         $                   'CPU time was used.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'N       : The number of rows and columns '//
         $                   'in the matrix A.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'bwl, bwu      : The number of diagonals '//
         $                   'in the matrix A.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'NB      : The size of the column panels the'//
         $                   ' matrix A is split into. [-1 for default]'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'NRHS    : The total number of RHS to solve'//
         $                   ' for.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'NBRHS   : The number of RHS to be put on '//
         $                   'a column of processes before going'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   '          on to the next column of processes.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'P       : The number of process rows.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'Q       : The number of process columns.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'THRESH  : If a residual value is less than'//
         $                   ' THRESH, CHECK is flagged as PASSED'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'Fact time: Time in seconds to factor the'//
         $                   ' matrix'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'Sol Time: Time in seconds to solve the'//
         $                   ' system.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'MFLOPS  : Rate of execution for factor '//
         $                   'and solve using sequential operation count.'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'MFLOP2  : Rough estimate of speed '//
         $                   'using actual op count (accurate big P,N).'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )
         $                   'The following parameter values will be used:'
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'N    ', ( NVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NMAT, 10) )
             IF( NMAT.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( NVAL(I), I = 11, NMAT )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'bwl  ', ( BWLVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NBW, 10) )
             IF( NBW.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( BWLVAL(I), I = 11, NBW )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'bwu  ', ( BWUVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NBW, 10) )
             IF( NBW.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( BWUVAL(I), I = 11, NBW )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'NB   ', ( NBVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NNB, 10) )
             IF( NNB.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( NBVAL(I), I = 11, NNB )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'NRHS ', ( NRVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NNR, 10) )
             IF( NNR.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( NRVAL(I), I = 11, NNR )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'NBRHS', ( NBRVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NNBR, 10) )
             IF( NNBR.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( NBRVAL(I), I = 11, NNBR )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'P    ', ( PVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NGRIDS, 10) )
             IF( NGRIDS.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997) ( PVAL(I), I = 11, NGRIDS )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9996 )
         $                   'Q    ', ( QVAL(I), I = 1, MIN(NGRIDS, 10) )
             IF( NGRIDS.GT.10 )
         $      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) ( QVAL(I), I = 11, NGRIDS )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * )
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9995 ) EPS
             WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) THRESH
             CALL FLUSH(6)
    *        If in pvm, must participate setting up virtual machine
             IF( NPROCS.LT.1 )
         $      CALL BLACS_SETUP( IAM, NPROCS )
    *        Temporarily define blacs grid to include all processes so
    *        all processes have needed startup information
             CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, ICTXT )
             CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( ICTXT, 'Row-major', 1, NPROCS )
    *        Compute machine epsilon
             EPS = PDLAMCH( ICTXT, 'eps' )
             CALL SGEBR2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, THRESH, 1, 0, 0 )
             CALL IGEBR2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, I, 1, 0, 0 )
             CALL IGEBR2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', I, 1, WORK, I, 0, 0 )
             I = 1
             NMAT = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             NBW = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             NNB = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             NNR = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             NNBR = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             NGRIDS = WORK( I )
             I = I+1
             IF( WORK( I ) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
                TRANS = 'N'
                TRANS = 'T'
             END IF
             I = I+1
             I = NMAT + NBW + NNB + NNR + NNBR + 2*NGRIDS
             I = I + NBW
             CALL IGEBR2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 1, I, WORK, 1, 0, 0 )
             I = 1
             CALL ICOPY( NMAT, WORK( I ), 1, NVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NMAT
             CALL ICOPY( NBW, WORK( I ), 1, BWLVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NBW
             CALL ICOPY( NBW, WORK( I ), 1, BWUVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NBW
             CALL ICOPY( NNB, WORK( I ), 1, NBVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NNB
             CALL ICOPY( NNR, WORK( I ), 1, NRVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NNR
             CALL ICOPY( NNBR, WORK( I ), 1, NBRVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NNBR
             CALL ICOPY( NGRIDS, WORK( I ), 1, PVAL, 1 )
             I = I + NGRIDS
             CALL ICOPY( NGRIDS, WORK( I ), 1, QVAL, 1 )
          END IF
       20 WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9993 )
          CLOSE( NIN )
          IF( NOUT.NE.6 .AND. NOUT.NE.0 )
         $   CLOSE( NOUT )
          CALL BLACS_ABORT( ICTXT, 1 )
     9999 FORMAT( A )
     9998 FORMAT( 'Routines pass computational tests if scaled residual ',
         $        'is less than ', G12.5 )
     9997 FORMAT( '                ', 10I6 )
     9996 FORMAT( 2X, A5, ':        ', 10I6 )
     9995 FORMAT( 'Relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be ',
         $        E18.6 )
     9994 FORMAT( ' Number of values of ',5A, ' is less than 1 or greater ',
         $        'than ', I2 )
     9993 FORMAT( ' Illegal input in file ',40A,'.  Aborting run.' )
    *     End of PDGBINFO
    Using GDB, I have traced the error to line 181:

             READ( NIN, FMT = * ) SUMMRY
    SUMMRY is declared as (See LINE 35):

    *  SUMMRY   (global output) CHARACTER*(*)
    *           Name of output (summary) file (if any). Only defined for
    *           process 0.
    The PDGBDRIVER (sample code which uses PDGBINFO) passes a:

          CHARACTER*80       OUTFILE
    Which I try to emulate in C, as follows:

      char      *OUTFILE;  /* ? */
      OUTFILE = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*80);
      if (OUTFILE == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for 80.\n");
    Is that correct?!? Is CHARACTER*80 a string with 80 characters? Or does it mean something else?


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