Thread: PigLatin Program HELP!

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jul 2012

    PigLatin Program HELP!

    This is what I have for my piglatin word translator program so far, there's an error C2059 in the Rule1 function where firstletter[1] and firstletter[2] are. Can someone help me with this? Also you don't have to do this but if you want it would be greatly appreciated if you looked at the entire program and gave me some tips PS its still a work in progress
    // PigLatin Word Converter
    // James Le
    // COP2220 Summer 2012
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void Instructions (); // Function that defines instructions
    void UserInput(); // Function that gets the input from the user and stores it somewhere
    void terminate(); // Function to either continue or quit the program
    int RuleChoice(char); // Function to determine which rule applies
    int Rule1(char); // Function for Rule 1 for pig latin
    int Rule2 (char); // Function for rule 2 for pig latin
    int Rule3(char); // Function for rule 2 for pig latin
    void Display(char); // Function to display final word onto screen
    void AY( int /*don't know if i need an int for now*/ );
    //char input_string [100];
    //char*x = input_string;
    int main()
    	char input_string[100];
    	char *str1, *str2;
    	PigLatin = fopen ("piglatin.txt", "a");*/
    	//printf("Enter a word:");
    	printf("Enter a word: ");
    	scanf("\n%s", input_string);
    	else if(RuleChoice(str1)==2)
    	//UserInput(); FUNCTION NEEDS WORK//
    	return 0;
    void Instructions()
    	printf("Welcome to the PigLatin Converter\n");
    	printf("You will enter a word\n");					// General Instructions to the program where it tells the user they will be entering a word to be converted to pig latin
    	printf("The word will be converted to PigLatin\n");
    /*void UserInput() // return a pointer to an array to avoid ........
    	FILE *PigLatin;
    	PigLatin = fopen ("piglatin.txt", "w");
    	//printf("Enter a word: ");
    	//scanf("\n%s", input_string);
    	//fprintf(PigLatin, "%s", input_string);
    void Display(char *str1) // This function will display the new word that the program has converted into pig latin.
    					// The function passes in a char and doesn't return anything, just prints the word
    	printf("The word you enter is %s\n", *str1);
    	//PigLatin=fopen("piglatin.txt", "w");
    		//fprintf(PigLatin, "%s", input_string);
    void terminate() // Function to Terminate Program
    				// The function doesn't require a variable to pass into it
    				// The program declares its own local variable choice and runs a while loop
    	int choice;
    	printf("\nTo quit program enter 0:\n");
    	printf("\nTo continue program enter 1:\n");
    	scanf("%d", &choice);
    	while(choice == 1) // if the choice is '1', the function will return the user to the instructions where they will be prompted for another word
    		//void Instructions();
    int RuleChoice( char *str1 ) // Function to determine which rule applies to word
    						// If the function compares the first two rules and they don't apply it will automatically default to Rule 3.
    	char Rule1[]={'H'}; //Still has to account for the QU
    	char Rule1Q	[]="Qu";				// Checks the word to see if the second letter is an 'H' and .....
    	char Rule2[]={'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'}; // Character array that checks if the word begins with a vowel
    	if (str1[0]==Rule1[0] || (str1[0]==Rule1Q[0] && str1[1]==Rule1Q[1])) // If the second element of the array is an 'H' or the first two elements are a 'Qu' then rule 1 applies
    		printf("Rule 1");
    		return 1;
    	else if (str1[0]==Rule2[0]||Rule2[1]||Rule2[2]||Rule2[3]||Rule2[4]) // If the first element of the input_string is a vowel then rule 2 applies
    		return 2;
    	else // If both fail, default to rule 3
    		return 3;
    int Rule1(char *str1) // Rule 1 Function
    	char return_string[100];
    	char erase[2] = {' ', ' '}; 
    	char firstletter[3];// stores the first element of the input string to be used later
    	firstletter[0] = str1[0];// stores the first element of the input string to be used later
    	firstletter[1] = {'A'};
    	firstletter[2] = {'Y'};
    	strncpy(str1, erase,2); // eliminates the first two letters of the word and replaces with blanks of the erase array
    	strcat(str1, firstletter); // concatenates the original first letter and 'AY' to the end of the word
    	Display(str1); // displays new word onto screen
    int Rule2(char *str1) // Rule 2 function
    	//char AY[2]={'A','Y'};
    		//if(input_string[0] == 'A' || input_string[0] == 'a' || input_string[0] == 'E' || input_string[0] == 'e' || input_string[0] == 'I' || input_string[0] == 'i' || input_string[0] == 'O' || input_string[0] == 'o' || input_string[0] == 'U' || input_string[0] == 'u') 
    				strcat(str1, "AY"); // simply adds AY to the end of the word
    				Display(str1); // Displays new word
    /*if(U_Input = Rule2Str1 || U_Input = Rule2Str1L)
    	strcat(U_Input, 'AY');
    else if //...........
    int Rule3(char *str1) // Function for rule 3 of piglatin which accepts the input_string character array displays the new word
    	char AY[2]={'A','Y'};
    	char erase [2] = {' '};
    	str1[(strlen(str1)+1)]==str1[0]; // takes first element of string and sets it equal to element that is one more than the length of the word
    	strncpy(str1, erase, 2); //erases the first letter and puts a blank space in the element
    	strcat(str1, AY); //adds AY to the end of the word
    	Display(str1); // Displays new word in pig latin

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Instead of

        firstletter[1] = {'A'};
        firstletter[2] = {'Y'};
        firstletter[1] = 'A';
        firstletter[2] = 'Y';
    Tim S.
    "...a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are,in short, a perfect match.." Bill Bryson

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    ok wow I feel like an idiot :P

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