Thread: Motor operation toggle to be shown on LCD

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Motor operation toggle to be shown on LCD

    How do you show the motor operation toggle on an LCD (Motor:ON , Motor:OFF). Using an interrupt to toggle motor operation however cannot display the messages properly and cannot figure it out any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This is the code so far:

    #include <htc.h> //standard header for Hitec ‘C’
    #include "bmc_code.h" //includes header file bmc_code
    #define Relayswitch RB0 //renames port B0 as But1
    #define CounterON RB1 //renames port B1 as But2
    #define Reset RB2 //renames port B2 as But3
    #define RELAY RA0 //renames port A0 as RELAY
    //declare function prototypes
    void interrupt ext0_ISR(void);
    //end function declares
    void main(void)
     TRISB=0x0F; //Sets port B as Inputs
     TRISA=0x00; //Sets port A as outputs
     TRISD=0x00; //Sets port D as Outputs
     ADCON1 = 0x06; //ensure port A configured for digital IO
     PORTA=0; //Clears Port A
     PORTB=0; //Clears Port B
     PORTD=0; //Clears Port D
     INTE = 1;  //RB0 interrupt enable
     PEIE = 1;  //Peripheral interrupt enable
     GIE = 1;  //Global interrupt enable
     INTEDG = 0;  // interrupt on falling edge
     init_LCD();    //function to initialise LCD
     LCD_function(0x0C);  //function to turn LCD on
     unsigned char counter; //Stores counter in memory  
     while (1) //continuous loop
    void interrupt ext0_ISR(void)
     if (INTF && INTE)    //ensure interrupt generated by transition on RB0
      delay_ms(10);    //delay 10ms for contact bounce elimination
      if (Relayswitch == 0)    //test if button still pressed
       RELAY = RELAY^1;   //YES - Toggle motor control
      while (!Relayswitch){};  //do nothing while button is still pressed
     INTF = 0;      //clear interrupt flag

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2012
    It's unlikely that anyone can help you unless they have that exact same system installed. You're manipulating the LCD by writing values to various ports, but we've no way of knowing whether these values are correct, or if you're writing in the correct order.
    However I don't see any place in which you are telling the system what your interrupt routine is. Unless the compiler can somehow pick it out from the name,how is the interrupt set?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2010
    In your while(1) loop in main you could test the status of your relay port and if the port is on print the MOTOR:ON to the LCD otherwise print MOTOR:OFF. I wouldn't try to do this in the ISR because you want to keep the ISR as small and fast as possible. Also you should only print the message when the relay port toggles.


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