What this program is supposed to do is take in user input and print them in lexicographic order using a linked linked. Say I typed in the words foo, bar, qux; the program should print out bar, foo, qux.
My problem is that whenever I insert a word, it becomes the value at the head of the node. I may have the pointers pointing in the wrong place, but I have no idea at this point.

#include <assert.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef char *cstring;
typedef struct node *node_ref;
struct node {
   cstring string;
   node_ref link;

struct list list_ref;
struct list {
   node_ref head;

void insertAscending( struct list *listref, char *input )
   node_ref prev = NULL;
   node_ref curr = (*listref).head;
   if ( curr != NULL )
      printf("what is listref->head %s\n", (*listref).head->string);
   // Find the insertion position.
   while (curr != NULL) 
      if (strcmp(curr->string, input) > 0) 
      	printf("what is strcmp %d", strcmp(curr->string, input));
      /*printf("what is curr->string %s\n", curr->string);
      printf("what is input %s\n", input);
      printf("what is strcmp %d\n", strcmp(curr->string, input));*/
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->link;

   // Do the insertion.
   node_ref temp = NULL;
   temp = malloc (sizeof (struct node));
   assert (temp != NULL );
   temp->string = input;
   temp->link = curr;
   printf("%s\n", temp->string);
   if (prev == NULL) 
      listref->head = temp;
      prev->link = temp;


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
   char *progname = basename (argv[0]);
   char buffer[256];
   int linenr;
   struct list *list_ptr;
   list_ptr = &list_ref;
   for (linenr = 1; ; ++linenr) {
      char *nlpos = NULL;

      // Read a line of input and check to see if it ends with
      // a newline character.  Print a message if not.

      char *gotline = fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin);
      if (gotline == NULL) break;

      nlpos = strchr (buffer, '\n');
      if (nlpos != NULL) {
         *nlpos = '\0';
         fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d: unterminated line: %s\n",
                  progname, linenr, buffer);
      insertAscending( list_ptr, buffer );


   for (node_ref curr = list_ptr->head; curr != NULL; curr = curr->link) 
      printf ("%s\n", curr->string);

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;