Thread: Having trouble with looping

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Having trouble with looping

    Hello. I'm doing a program in which we were given a template with a bunch of functions to fill out, and a few mains. Basically, it's just a program with a menu with four options, to play a guessing game, to play a square game, to give the current score, and to quit. I have the guessing game down, and my square game is quite jumbled but I think I'm almost done. The point of the square game is to print out a 3x3 array of random numbers (1-20), and to have to user try to get the rows and columns of the array to add up to a certain number.
    IE: 17 19 18
    19 18 17
    18 17 19
    My problem is that once the user has correctly changed the values and has a square where the rows and columns equal a certain sum, it doesn't quit out of the loop. I don't know if one of my functions is wrong or if I did something wrong with the looping. You can ignore the "getSquareScore" and "getSum" as I'm not worrying about that part yet. Can anyone catch what I'm doing wrong :l?
    Here's the code so far:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <math.h>
    const int GUESSING_GAME = 1;
    const int SQUARE_GAME = 2;
    const int SEE_SCORE = 3;
    const int QUIT = 4;
    const int SIZE = 3;
    const int MAX_SQUARE_VALUE = 20;
    const int DEFAULT_MAX_GUESS = 100;
    const int MAX_RAND_VALUE = 32767;
    const int INVALID = -1;
    int menu();
    int getGuessScore(int max, int numguesses);
    int guessGame(int max);
    int winningSquare(int square[][SIZE]);
    void fillSquare(int square[][SIZE]);
    void printSquare(int square[][SIZE]);
    int checkRows(int square[][SIZE]);
    int checkCols(int square[][SIZE]);
    int getSum(int square[][SIZE]);
    int validRowCol(int row, int col);
    int getSquareScore(int square[][SIZE], int first_sum, int num_turns);
    int playSquareGame();
    int main(void)
        int total = 0, choice;
        choice = menu();
        // Loop until the user quits.
        while (choice != QUIT)
            // Execute the guessing game.
            if (choice == GUESSING_GAME)
                int max;
                printf("What do you want the maximum value in the guessing game to be?\n");
                scanf("%d", &max);
                // If the user chooses an invalid max, reset the game to 100.
                if (max < 2 || max > MAX_RAND_VALUE) {
                    printf("Sorry, you chose an invalid maximum, you'll play with a maximum of 100.\n");
                    max = DEFAULT_MAX_GUESS;
                total += guessGame(max);
            // Play the square game.
            else if (choice == SQUARE_GAME)
                total += playSquareGame();
            // Just print out the user's score.
            else if (choice == SEE_SCORE)
                printf("Your current score is %d.\n", total);
            // Get the user's next choice.
            choice = menu();
        // Print out the final score.
        printf("Your final score is %d.\n", total);
        return 0;
    // Precondition(s): None
    // Postcondition(s): Prompts the user with the menu and continues to read in their choice until they
    //                enter a valid choice in between 1 and 4, which then gets returned.
    int menu()
        int pick;
        printf("Please enter your choice from one of the following options.\n");
        printf("1. Play the guessing game.\n");
        printf("2. Play the square game.\n");
        printf("3. View your current score.\n");
        printf("4. Quit.\n");
            int choice = 0;
            scanf("%d", &choice);
            if(choice < 1 || choice > 4) //If the user-inputted choice is not a correct value on the menu, return an error message.
                printf("Sorry, that is not a valid choice. Please try again.\n");
                return choice;
                break; //If the user-inputted choice is a correct value on the menu, break out of the loop.
    // Precondition(s): 1 < max < 32767
    // Postcondition(s): Generates a random number in the range 1 to max, inclusive, and allows the
    //                user to guess the number. After each guess, the user is told to guess lower or
    //                higher, until they guess the correct number. At this point, their score is
    //                returned, which is based upon the number of guesses it took them to guess the
    //                secret number.
    int guessGame(int max)
        int guess, secret_num, num_guesses;
        num_guesses = 0;
        secret_num = 1 + rand()%max;
        while (guess != secret_num) //While the user-inputted guess does not equal the secret number...
            printf("Please enter your guess (1 - %d).\n", max); //Asks the user for a new guess within the range of numbers each time it is wrong.
            scanf("%d", &guess);
            if (guess > secret_num) //If the guess is larger than the secret number...
                printf("Sorry your guess is too high.\n");
            else if (guess < secret_num) //If the guess is lower than the secret number...
                printf("Sorry your guess is too low.\n");
            num_guesses = num_guesses++; //Keeps track of the total number of guesses made.
        printf("You got the number in %d turns.\n", num_guesses);
        int score = getGuessScore(max, num_guesses); //Calculates the score by calling the function "getGuessScore"
        printf("You scored %d points for the guessing game this time!\n", score);
        return score; //Returns the value of score so it can be added to the total for the session.
    // Precondition(s): 1 < max < 32767, represents the maximum possible number in the guessing game, and
    //               numguesses represents the number of guesses needed for a guessing game with the
    //               range of choices from 1 to max, inclusive.
    // Postcondition(s): Returns the score for the instance of the guessing game described.
    int getGuessScore(int max, int num_guesses)
        // Best we can guarantee in a game, using binary search.
        int best = (int)ceil(log(max+1)/log(2));
        // The score is better, the fewer guesses you make.
        int score = 2*best - num_guesses;
        // This is so we can avoid giving out negative scores.
        if (score < 0)
            score = 0;
        return score;
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE
    // Postcondition(s): square is randomly filled with numbers in between 1 and MAX.
    void fillSquare(int square[][SIZE])
        int row, col;
        for(row = 0; row < SIZE; row++)
            for(col = 0; col < SIZE; col++)
                square[row][col] = rand()% MAX_SQUARE_VALUE + 1; //Assigns a random value to every element in the array.
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE
    // Postcondition(s): prints out the square in SIZE rows,
    //                 in a format with 4 spaces per entry, right justified.
    void printSquare(int square[][SIZE])
        int row, col;
        for(row = 0; row < SIZE; row++)
            for(col = 0; col < SIZE; col++)
                printf("%4d", square[row][col]); //Prints out the elements of the arrays and 4 spaces after each element, right justified.
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE
    // Postconditions(s): If all SIZE rows add up to the same value, this value is returned.
    //                    Otherwise, -1 is returned to indicate at least 2 different row sums.
    int checkRows(int square[][SIZE])
        int row1, row2, row3;
        row1 = (square[0][0] + square[0][1] + square[0][2]);
        row2 = (square[1][0] + square[1][1] + square [1][2]);
        row3 = (square[2][0] + square[2][1] + square [2][2]);
        if((row1 == row2) && (row1 == row3) && (row2 == row3))
            return row1;
            return INVALID;
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE.
    // Postconditions(s): Returns 1 if all the rows and columns of square add to the same value.
    //                    Returns 0 otherwise.
    int winningSquare(int square[][SIZE])
        int sum_rows = checkRows(square[SIZE][SIZE]);
        int sum_cols = checkCols(square[SIZE][SIZE]);
        if(sum_rows == sum_cols && sum_rows + sum_cols != -2)
            return 1;
            return 0;
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE.
    // Postconditions(s): If all SIZE columns add up to the same value, this value is returned.
    //                    Otherwise, -1 is returned to indicate at least 2 different column sums.
    int checkCols(int square[][SIZE])
        int col1, col2, col3;
        col1 = (square[0][0] + square[1][0] + square[2][0]);
        col2 = (square[0][1] + square[1][1] + square [2][1]);
        col3 = (square[0][2] + square[1][2] + square [2][2]);
        if((col1 == col2) && (col1 == col3) && (col2 == col3))
            return col1;
            return INVALID;
    // Precondition(s): square has dimensions SIZE x SIZE.
    // Postconditions(s): Returns the sum of all the integers stored in square.
    int getSum(int square[][SIZE])
    // Precondition(s): None
    // Postcondition(s): Executes the square game and returns the user's score.
    int playSquareGame()
        int score = 0;
        int square[SIZE][SIZE];
        fillSquare(square); //Fills the square with random values between 1 and 20.
        printSquare(square); //Prints out the square with the assigned random values.
        int row_choice, col_choice, value;
        int win = 0, num_turns = 0;
        while(win != 1)
            win = winningSquare(square);
            value = 0;
            while(value != 1) //While the choice for row and column is not a valid value, return an error message and prompt user for new input.
                printf("Enter the row (0-2) and column (0-2) of the square you want to change.\n");
                scanf("%d%d", &row_choice, &col_choice);
                value = validRowCol(row_choice, col_choice); //Calls the validRowCol function to check if user-inputted choice for row and column is a valid value.
                if(value == 1) //If the row and column choice is a valid value, break out of the loop.
                    printf("Sorry, those values are not in between 0 and 2.\n");
            int new_value;
                printf("What is the new value?\n");
                scanf("%d", &new_value);
                if(new_value > 20 || new_value < 1) //If the user-inputted new value is not between 1 and 20, return an error message and scan new user input.
                    printf("Sorry, that value is not between 1 and 20.\n");
                    square[row_choice][col_choice] = new_value;
    // Precondition(s): none
    // Postcondition(s): Returns 1 if 0 <= row < SIZE and 0 <= col < SIZE. Returns 0 otherwise.
    int validRowCol(int row, int col)
        if((row < 0 || row > 2) || (col < 0 || col > 2)) //If the row and column are not valid values, return the value of 0.
            return 0;
        else //If the row and column ARE valid values, return the value of 1.
            return 1;
    // Precondition(s): square is the end result of the square game, first_sum is the
    //                  original sum of the values in the square at the starting of that
    //                  instance of the square game and num_turns is the number of turns
    //                  taken in that instance of the square game.
    // Postcondition(s): The score of the given instance of the square game is returned.
    int getSquareScore(int square[][SIZE], int first_sum, int num_turns)
        // Calculate the difference in sum between the original and winning square.
        int new_sum = getSum(square);
        int diff = abs(new_sum - first_sum);
        // Calculate the number of squares that didn't have to be changed, assuming that each
        // square was changed only once.
        int turn_diff = SIZE*SIZE - num_turns;
        // Don't let this fall below 0.
        if (turn_diff < 0)
            turn_diff = 0;
        // This is the turn difference plus a weighted value that ranges from 0 to SIZE x SIZE.
        // The weighting is based on what percentage the difference of the sum of the square is
        // from the original sum of the square. The lower the percentage, the closer your score
        // is to SIZE x SIZE.
        return turn_diff + SIZE*SIZE*(first_sum - diff)/first_sum;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    With any move that is within the possibility of ending the game, you have to check whether the game is now over. And if so, did the player with the move win, lose or draw?

    An illegal move is just a sidebar, since it doesn't qualify as a move at all. No need to check game status after them.

    So you need a variable like gameOn, and a while loop like
    int gameOn = 1;
    while(gameOn) { 
      display the board, stats, whatever
      get the player with the turn, move
      call islegal() to see if it's valid. 
      isOver() to see if the game is already over
    }end of while loop
    Add in those kinds of variables, and then it will come together for you.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Got it. Just changed the Square game so it had a do while loop. . Whole program works fine nao.

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