Thread: Double Linked List

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Double Linked List

    Hey everyone,

    I'm writing a program that at the moment has a single linked list. I want to make this list a double linked list so that it prints it out foreward and then revearses the order of the list by going back the other way. I have two structures, the first one contains an integer, and two links. One link points to the next one in the list, the other points to the one before it. At this point the link pointing to the next one in the list works but I don't know how to implement the one pointing to the one before it.

    Here's my code at the present time...If you want to make more sense of it rather than me trying to explain.

    typedef struct aboxtype node;
    typedef struct header headernode;
    typedef node *link;             //pointer to a node
    typedef headernode *link2;
    struct aboxtype
     int dat;
     link next;
     link prev;
    struct header
    link front;
    link rear;
    link getnode( int x )
     link tmp;
     tmp = malloc( sizeof(node) );
     tmp->dat = x;
     tmp->next = NULL;
     tmp->prev = NULL;
     return tmp;      //returns the amount of memory to the main
    void printlist( link2 *h )    
     link2 head = *h;
     link mov;
     int x;
     mov = head->front;
     while (mov != NULL)
       x = mov->dat;     //sets it equal to dat
       printf("%d ", x);  //prints out the dat
       mov = mov->next;    //moves mov to next
    void printlistrev( link2 *h )
    link2 head = *h;
    link move;
    int x;
    move = head->rear;
    while(move != NULL)
      x = move->dat;
      printf("%d ", x);
      move = move->prev;
    void insertfront( link2 *h, link p ) //front of list
     link2 headernode = *h;
     if (headernode->front == NULL)
    	headernode->front = p;
    	headernode->rear = p;
    	 p->next = headernode->front;
         p->prev = p;	 
    	 headernode->front = p;
     // insert w after p
     void insertafter( link2 *h, link p, link w ) // if in middle of list
     link2 headernode = *h;
     w->next = p->next;
     p->next = w;
    link insertrear ( link2 *h, link p ) // end of list
     link tmp, tmp2;
     link2 headernode = *h;
     if (headernode->front == NULL)
        headernode->front = p;
    	headernode->rear = p;
        tmp = headernode->front;
        while ( tmp->next != NULL )
          tmp = tmp->next;
          tmp->next = p;
    	  tmp->prev = p;
    int main()
     link p, q;
     link2 h, y;
     int i, x;
    h = malloc( sizeof(headernode) );
    h->front = NULL;
    h->rear = NULL;
    /*for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
      p = getnode(i);
        if (i % 2)
         insertfront(&h, p );
        insertrear( &h, p);
    	printlist( &h );
    printf("Final List: ");
    printlist( &h );
    p = getnode(1);
    insertrear(&h, p);
    p = getnode(2);
    insertrear(&h, p);
    printlist( &h );
    printlistrev( &h );
    printf("List Reverse:\n");
    printlistrev( &h );
    q = getnode(33);
    insertafter(&h, p, q);
    printlist( &h );
    //insert 44 after the node cont. 1
    //assume that 1 is actually in the list
    q = getnode(44);  // q is node to insert
    p = h->front;
    while (p->dat != 1)
      p = p->next;
    insertafter(&h, p, q);
    printlist( &h );
    return 0;
    This at the moment (when all commented code is left commented) prints out the first list being 1 and 2. But then when the second list (the revearsed list) comes into play it does not work. This is where I need some help.
    Last edited by DuckCowMooQuack; 04-07-2011 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    void addnode( node** l, node *n )
        if first node is null
            set first node to n
            ...find the last or first node, doens't matter how you do it...
            n->prev = that node we found
            that node we found->next = n;
    Just set prev and next correctly when you insert a list. Then, it works exactly like any other list movement, but instead of walking ->next you walk ->prev.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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