Thread: Help my program is giving a problem

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Help my program is giving a problem

    My program is giving me a problem when i error check it an run it after i input wrong data it skips the thing an moves on an also i need guidance or a hint as to how the time minus thing and what exactly is rounded time as i was instructed to put it in but im not exactly sure as to what it is

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main()
    char vehicle[15];
    int car;
    int truck;
    int hrsn, minn;
    int hrso, mino;
    int time;
    int rt;
    printf("Where you driving a car or truck?\n");
    scanf("%s", &vehicle );
    printf("What Hour did the %s enter the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
    if((hrsn<0 || hrsn>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Input Value from 0-23!\n");
        printf("What Minute did the %s enter the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& minn);
    if((minn<0 || minn>59))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter Correct Minute Between 0-59!\n");
        printf("What Hour did the %s leave the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& hrso);
    if((hrso<0 || hrso>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter the Correct Time Between 0-23!\n");
        printf("What Minute did the %s leave the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& mino);
    if(mino<0 || mino>59)
        printf("\a\a\a PLease Enter the Correct time between 0-59!\n");
    rt = hrso - hrsn && mino - minn;
    printf("Time in %d:%d\n", hrsn, minn);
    printf("Time out %d:%d\n", hrso, mino);
    printf("Parking Time %d\n", time);
    printf("Rounded time %d\n", rt);
    return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User C_ntua's Avatar
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    Yes, what you want is to ask the user to input a correct amount and until he does keep asking. Think that you are a salesman. What you do is
    printf("Would you by this fine product?");
    scanf("%c", c);
    if (c != 'y')
      printf("Oh, well, have a nice day sir");
       printf("Nice! We aslo have this coupon...");
    what you want is:
    printf("Would you by this fine product?");
    scanf("%c", c);
    while (c != 'y')
        printf("Please reconsider");
        scanf("%c", c);
    printf("Nice! We aslo have this coupon...");
    Try replacing the if-else with while.

    As for the rounded time is not clear like that. Maybe the total time in minutes? Maybe rounding up the time to hours? Your line of code for rt = ... is definitely not doing what you want (&& is the logical AND).

  3. #3
    Registered User claudiu's Avatar
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    The key concept to remember here is the word "aslo". Lol, j/k
    1. Get rid of gets(). Never ever ever use it again. Replace it with fgets() and use that instead.
    2. Get rid of void main and replace it with int main(void) and return 0 at the end of the function.
    3. Get rid of conio.h and other antiquated DOS crap headers.
    4. Don't cast the return value of malloc, even if you always always always make sure that stdlib.h is included.

  4. #4
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    Thx C_ntua i'll try it an get back to u and for the example u have given me can that work for words like with what i have i would definately need error checking in words for example for the user to input the words car or truck only, can your example be used like right here:
    "(c != 'y')"
    be used like (c != 'car') then blah blah blah

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    My program is giving me a problem when i error check it an run it after i input wrong data it skips the thing an moves on an also i need guidance or a hint as to how the time minus thing and what exactly is rounded time as i was instructed to put it in but im not exactly sure as to what it is
    === Whew! What a read, Zangetsu! ===

    You may thank God almighty that you're not an English major!
    Last edited by Adak; 01-29-2011 at 10:59 PM.

  6. #6
    That weird Java guy xniinja's Avatar
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    printf("Would you by this fine product?");
    scanf("%c", c);
    while (c != 'y')
        printf("Please reconsider");
        scanf("%c", c);
    printf("Nice! We also have this coupon...");
    Is the point to ........ the costumer off? I would go with this

    int loop = 0;
    printf("Would you by this fine product?");
    scanf("%c", c);
    while (c != 'y' || loop >= 50)
        printf("Please reconsider");
        scanf("%c", c);
    if (loop > 2)
         printf("well, have a nice day then...");
         printf("Nice! We also have this coupon...");

    (I didn't read the question I just thought your answer was comical.)

  7. #7
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    (I didn't read the question I just thought your answer was comical.)
    I don't "by" that!

  8. #8
    That weird Java guy xniinja's Avatar
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    lol... I recognized that after I posted it, I fixed aslo though.

  9. #9
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    k i input the while statements and they worked so thanx very much C_ntua and everyone else who gave valid input and not Is there a way to do error checking for words because i would need for the user to input the words car or truck only is this possible i thought of maybe doing something to count the words car or truck so if the input is greater than 3 characters then its not the word car so is this line of thinking even possible?

  10. #10
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    I worked on the time section pls run it and tell me if im doing the right thing cause now i think i might have confused myself a bit

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main()
    char vehicle[15];
    int car;
    int truck;
    int hrsn, minn;
    int hrso, mino;
    int hr; //final hour
    int min; //final minute
    printf("Where you driving a car or truck?\n");
    scanf("%s", &vehicle );
    printf("What Hour did the %s enter the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
    while((hrsn<0 || hrsn>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Input Value from 0-23!\n");
        scanf("%d",& hrsn);
        printf("What Minute did the %s enter the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& minn);
    while((minn<0 || minn>59))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter Correct Minute Between 0-59!\n");
        scanf("%d",& minn);
        printf("What Hour did the %s leave the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& hrso);
    while((hrso<0 || hrso>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter the Correct Time Between 0-23!\n");
        scanf("%d",& hrso);
        printf("What Minute did the %s leave the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& mino);
    while(mino<0 || mino>59)
        printf("\a\a\a PLease Enter the Correct time between 0-59!\n");
        scanf("%d",& mino);
    if (hrsn < (hrso - 1) && minn > mino)
    hrso = hrso - 1;
    mino = mino + 60;
    if (mino - minn > 1 && mino - minn < 30)
    mino = minn+30;
    else if (mino - minn > 30 && mino - minn < 60)
    mino = minn + 60;
    mino = minn + 00;
    hr = (hrso-hrsn);
    min = (mino - minn);
    printf("Time in %d:%d\n", hrsn, minn);
    printf("Time out %d:%d\n", hrso, mino);
    printf("Parking Time %d:%d\n", hr, min);
    return 0;

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    "Doctor, I may have a pain."

    Please be specific with what the problem is!

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    The time aspect of the program in subtracting the time i would like your advice on it to c if what i did was right or if u have any advice or anything like that basically your critique on it

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    If it's accurate - it's OK. Run-time and clarity are not an issue for the code. It's short and simple.

    IMO, you don't need to include either math.h or stdlib.h, and your code should be indented so the subordinate lines of code are indented 2 to 4 spaces.

    do {
      print something
      ask for input with scanf
    }while(input value was etc.)
    //looks a lot easier to understand and debug, than
    print something
    ask for input with scanf
    while(input value is etc.)
    After you've been programming for awhile, your eye will become trained, if you use standard indentation, to readily pick up on syntax bugs in your code. Properly indented code allows us to also use our trained eyes, to quickly spot some kinds of common errors.

    If you want people to study your code for free, why not help them to do so?

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    I'm trying to have my program do word error checking but for some reason its not working i want the user to input either the words car or truck this is what i have done so far!

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    int main()
    char *vehicle;
    int car;
    int truck;
    int hrsn, minn;
    int hrso, mino;
    int hr; //final hour
    int min; //final minute
    printf("Where you driving a car or truck?\n");
    scanf("%s", &vehicle );
    while(vehicle != "car" && vehicle != "truck")
        printf("Please input the words Car or Truck: ");
    printf("What Hour did the %s enter the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
    while((hrsn<0 || hrsn>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Input Value from 0-23!\n");
        scanf("%d",& hrsn);
        printf("What Minute did the %s enter the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& minn);
    while((minn<0 || minn>59))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter Correct Minute Between 0-59!\n");
        scanf("%d",& minn);
        printf("What Hour did the %s leave the lot? (0-23)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& hrso);
    while((hrso<0 || hrso>23))
        printf("\a\a\a Please Enter the Correct Time Between 0-23!\n");
        scanf("%d",& hrso);
        printf("What Minute did the %s leave the lot? (0-59)\n", vehicle);
        scanf("%d",& mino);
    while(mino<0 || mino>59)
        printf("\a\a\a PLease Enter the Correct time between 0-59!\n");
        scanf("%d",& mino);
    if (hrsn < (hrso - 1) && minn > mino)
    hrso = hrso - 1;
    mino = mino + 60;
    if (mino - minn > 1 && mino - minn < 30)
    mino = minn+30;
    else if (mino - minn > 30 && mino - minn < 60)
    mino = minn + 60;
    mino = minn + 00;
    hr = (hrso-hrsn);
    min = (mino - minn);
    printf("Time in %d:%d\n", hrsn, minn);
    printf("Time out %d:%d\n", hrso, mino);
    printf("Parking Time %d:%d\n", hr, min);
    return 0;

  15. #15
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    You should use strcmp to compare strings.

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