Thread: Formatting Issue?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Formatting Issue?

    Ok I'm "new" to programming so I'm really sorry if I "format"/type my programs in a difficult to read way. But anyway here's the program:

    Programmer: Matt Lane
    Date: 10/30/10
    *The purpose of this program is to allow the user to play a game of heads up
    Texas Hold'Em with the program itself; both "players" will start with 1500 chips
    and will continue to play until one of the players run out.
    Basics of Texas Hold'Em:
           *Players are dealt 2 cards each;
           *The player on the "button" will be 2nd to get to raise/fold/check;
           *When it is a players turn they can either raise, check, or fold (or call
             if a bet has already been made);
           *After the first rotation of turns is completed - and both players are in
             the hand, the flop will be revealed; allowing the players on the button
             to, again, make the last move;
           *If both players are still in after the flop turn sets are completed, the
             turn will be revealed; again, "button" player goes 2nd;
           *If both players are still in after the turn sets are completed, the 
             river will be revealed where the final bets will occur;
           *After a players loses or folds, the winning players gets all money in 
             the pot; the program will reloop to a new hand.
    /************************Global Variables and Functions************************/    
        /*chip count and pot variables*/
        int userchips = 1500;
        int programchips = 1500;
        int pot = 0;
        /*once a card is "used" the program inputs it's "value" to ensure the card
        isn't "resused" in the same hand before the program reloops*/
        int usedcards[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
        /*stores the card in the hands and on the "table"*/
        int userhand[2] = {0,0};
        int programhand[2] = {0,0};
        int table[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
        /*RNG function*/
        int randint(int, int);
        /*set card values*/
        int da = 1;
        int d2 = 2;
        int d3 = 3;
        int d4 = 4;
        int d5 = 5;
        int d6 = 6;
        int d7 = 7;
        int d8 = 8;
        int d9 = 9;
        int d10 = 10;
        int dj = 11;
        int dq = 12;
        int dk = 13;
        int ca = 14;
        int c2 = 15;
        int c3 = 16;
        int c4 = 17;
        int c5 = 18;
        int c6 = 19;
        int c7 = 20;
        int c8 = 21;
        int c9 = 22;
        int c10 = 23;
        int cj = 24;
        int cq = 25;
        int ck = 26;
        int sa = 27;
        int s2 = 28;
        int s3 = 29;
        int s4 = 30;
        int s5 = 31;
        int s6 = 32;
        int s7 = 33;
        int s8 = 34;
        int s9 = 35;
        int s10 = 36;
        int sj = 37;
        int sq = 38;
        int sk = 39;
        int ha = 40;
        int h2 = 41;
        int h3 = 42;
        int h4 = 43;
        int h5 = 44;
        int h6 = 45;
        int h7 = 46;
        int h8 = 47;
        int h9 = 48;
        int h10 = 49;
        int hj = 50;
        int hq = 51;
        int hk = 52;
    /*******************************MAIN FUNCTION*******************************/    
    int main ()
        /*"opperator set 1" functions to deal with game mechanics*/
        void dealhand();
        void showflop();
        void showturn();
        void showriver();
        /*"opperator set 2" functions to deal with other game mechanics*/
        int raise();
        int check();
        int fold();
        int call();
        /*"decision" functions to dictate the program's "moves"*/
        int preflop_decision();
        int flop_decision();
        int turn_decision();
        int river_decision();
        /*"other" functions used in the program*/
        /*function to compare the hands of each player*/
        int determine_winner();
        /*let the button go to another player after a given hand*/
        void switchbuttonposition();
        /****************TESTING dealhand function****************/
        /*call function*/
        /*outprint values*/
        printf("Program's Hand: %d and %d\n\n", programhand[0], programhand[1]);
        printf("User's Hand: %d and %d\n\n", userhand[0], userhand[1]);
        printf("Used Cards: %d, %d, %d, %d\n\n", usedcards[0], usedcards[1], usedcards[2], usedcards[3]);
        /****************TESTING dealhand function****************/
        char hold;
        scanf("%c", &hold);
        return 0;
    /*****************************Opperator Set 1*****************************/
    void dealhand()
         /*controls the loops giving values to the players*/
         int i;
         /*the value is assigned a random number inside the range of the cards*/
         int assigncard;
         /*loop set to go twice to give programhand 2 values*/
         for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
               /*give assigncard a value*/
               assigncard = randint(1,52);
               /*test it's value against values not allowed*/
               if (assigncard != usedcards[0] && assigncard != usedcards[1])
                   /*if test passes, assign value to hand array*/
                   assigncard = programhand[i];
                   /*make the value given not allowed again*/
                   usedcards[i] = assigncard;
               /*if values IS a value not allowed, restart for loop*/
         /*loop set to go twice to give userhand 2 values*/
         for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
             /*give assigncard a value*/
             assigncard = randint(1,52);
             /*test it's value agaisnt values not allowed*/
             if (assigncard != usedcards[0] && assigncard != usedcards[1] && assigncard != usedcards[2])
                 /*if test passes, assign value to hand array*/
                 assigncard = userhand[i];
                 /*make the value given now allowed again*/
                 usedcards[2] = assigncard;
             /*if value IS a value not allowed, restart for loop*/
             /*to ensure accuracy, re-enter all not allowed values incase a value
             was misplaced during the loop or (like usedcard[3]) was never even
             given the value through this function; these will be used later to
             ensure the "table" doesn't recieve the same "card" as one in the hand*/
             usedcards[0] = programhand[0];
             usedcards[1] = programhand[1];
             usedcards[2] = userhand[0];
             usedcards[3] = userhand[1];
    void showflop()
    void showturn()
    void showriver()
    /*****************************Opperator Set 2*****************************/
    int raise()
        return 0;
    int check()
        return 0;
    int fold()
        return 0;
    int call()
        return 0;
    /***************************Decision Functions***************************/
    int preflop_decision()
        return 0;
    int flop_decision()
        return 0;
    int turn_decision()
        return 0;
    int river_decision()
        return 0;
    /***************************"Other" Functions***************************/
    int determine_winner()
        return 0;
    void switchbuttonposition()
    /*gernerates a random number to be returned to main*/
    int randint(int min, int max) 
        if (min > max) 
            return max+int((min-max+1)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); 
            return min+int((max-min+1)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); 
    Ok I'm working on a "fun" program to try to make a poker game using C programming; I'm going to user an array of functions to impliment into the program and I just started on my first one. My program complies but does not "do" what the function I just programmed needs to do. Can anyone tell me why? I made a lot of the "used" variables global so that I wouldn't have to do pass by reference in every function with them...but the values are not storing. Let me know if you know what I'm doing wrong.

    Thanks a lot,

  2. #2
    Registered User hellork's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    An lvalue goes to the left of the assignment.

    assigncard = userhand[i];
    userhand[i] = assigncard;
    assigncard = programhand[i];
    programhand[i] = assigncard;

    Usually put function prototypes up near the top, or in a separate header file.

    Also, I would use srand with something like time(0) or grab a byte from /dev/random for a non-portable solution. Else hands will be the same each time.

    Probably more issues... I got a paper to write.

    My C Stuff (GPL):
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    Fix missing brackets with Anchor
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