Quote Originally Posted by MK27 View Post
There are fewer pure C GUI libraries than C++ ones, but I would not bother to learn C++ just to do GUI's.* I've done tons of stuff in C with gtk, including stuff now distributed by debian. WinAPI is vanilla C too, I believe. Most of the linux desktop is C/gtk -- it ain't C++, this is a lot of whining. WRT to gtk, the results are the same, just the C++ libs (gtkmm) use 200-300% more memory (but your codebase will be smaller).

Glade is like a scripting tool for use with Gtk. Skip it. You might as well just focus your energy on Gtk itself:

GTK+ 2.0 Tutorial -- what I started from
GTK+ Programming -- very helpful forum, mostly C but C++ welcome too
GTK+ Reference Manual -- the API reference proper. Very tough at first!

Which implies something doesn't it? If you bite the bullet and learn the API, you won't have to depend on glade, and in the end you'll have a better understanding of what you're doing and how you can exploit it.

* if you were going to learn a language just to do GUI's, I'd skip straight to python or perl, etc.
Actually in the interest of accuracy, the "linux desktop" is a misnomer; it would be fairer to say the GNOME desktop is C/GTK; KDE and others are all C++ oriented and that is not whining, just the truth. As for Glade, it is a design tool but there is nothing wrong with a design tool. Like any other, it is meant to be used as a part of the overall process but it will not do the whole thing for you. It does give you an advantage in speed if you are working out a GUI design and want to do numerous "what-if" scenarios quickly whereas having to code them all from scratch just to see what they look like would be a short road to insanity, not to mention a missed deadline. I know you really hate C++ MK but it does have advantages that C does not in certain situations. Is it the right answer every time? Probably not but to discard it as you have done would seem to mean you have fewer tools in your toolbox for getting a job done which leads to the old addage of "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"...