Thread: Memory Allocation Problems

  1. #1
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    Question Memory Allocation Problems

    Hi everybody,

    I'm writing a program that generates a music score for a program called CSound. My code reads in a 24 bit bitmap, converts pixels from RGB to HSI color space, and then translates the resultant data into
    a score. I get runtime errors related to memory allocation.

    If I include free() statements to de-allocate malloc'd memory, I get segmentation faults at run-time. The version of code I have attached includes these free() statements. If I remove the free() statements, then
    I get the following runtime error message when I input images larger than some threshold (for example, I get errors for a 30x50 pixel image but not a10x4):

    alex@laptop:~/Music/MUS88/final$ ./bmpscore instr1v2.bmp instr1.txt 1 5 0 20
    bmpscore: malloc.c:3074: sYSMALLOc: Assertion `(old_top == (((mbinptr) (((char *)
     &((av)->bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd)))) && old_size == 0) || 
    ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= (unsigned long)((((__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, 
    fd_nextsize))+((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1)) & ~((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1))) && ((old_top)->size & 0x1) 
    && ((unsigned long)old_end & pagemask) == 0)' failed.
    Here's the code. I'm running Ubuntu and compiled the program with GCC. Can someone please help me figure out why it's not working?

    /* file for Comp. Mus. Final Project */
    /* Alex McAuley 2009 */
    /* transforms input 24-bit .bmp into Csound score */
    /* input: <.bmp in> <.txt out> <instr #> <sec/pixel> <start time> <%overlap>
       example output line: i<instr #> <time> <duration> <volume (0-1)> <pitch parameter (0-1)> <timbral parameter (0-1)> */
    /* return states:
    	0: successful
    	1: error
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    /* define structures */
    typedef struct{				//file header
    	unsigned short type;		
    	unsigned long size;			
    	unsigned short reserved1;	
    	unsigned short reserved2;	
    	unsigned long offset;		
    typedef struct{				//info header
    	unsigned long headersize;
    	unsigned long width;
    	unsigned long height;
    	unsigned short colorplanes;
    	unsigned short bitsperpixel;
    	unsigned long compression;
    	unsigned long bmpsize;
    	unsigned long horizontalres;
    	unsigned long verticalres;
    	unsigned long colors;
    	unsigned long importantcolors;
    typedef struct{				//RGB values
    	unsigned char blue;
    	unsigned char green;
    	unsigned char red;
    } PIXEL;
    /* function prototypes */
    int rgbhsi(unsigned char *rav, unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, float *huepix, float *satpix,
    			float *intenspix, unsigned long pixlength);
    float	minrgb(float r, float g, float b);
    int	avrgb(unsigned char *rpixels, unsigned char *gpixels, unsigned char *bpixels, unsigned char *rav,
                        unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, unsigned 	long width, unsigned long height);
    int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    	/* Declare variables */
    	int i,n;
    	float dur, time, volume, pitch, timbre, start, overlap; 
    	PIXEL pixel;
    	FILE_HEADER header;
    	INFO_HEADER info;
    	unsigned char *rpixels, *gpixels, *bpixels, *rav, *gav, *bav;	//vectors of pixels
    	float	*huepix, *satpix, *intenspix;	; //hue, saturation, intenspixity of pixels 
    	FILE *fpin, *fpout;		//input and output file pointers
    	if (argc != 7){
    		printf("\nbmpscore: 'bmpscore <.bmp in> <.txt out> <instr #> <sec/pixel> <start time> <%%overlap>'\n\n"); 
    		return 1;
    	/* Open files */
    	if ( (fpin = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL ){
    		printf("\nERROR: Cannot open input file.\n\n");
    		return 1;
    	if ( (fpout = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL ){
    		printf("\nERROR: Cannot open/create output file.\n\n");
    		return 1;
    	/* Read headers */
    	/* NOTE: Since some compilers force FILE_HEADER struct to be 16 bits when it
    	should really be 14 bits (not a multiple of 4 bytes), read data into
    	each FILE_HEADER element individually */
    	fread(&header.type, sizeof(header.type), 1, fpin);
    	fread(&header.size, sizeof(header.size), 1, fpin);
    	fread(&header.reserved1, sizeof(header.reserved1), 1, fpin);
    	fread(&header.reserved2, sizeof(header.reserved2), 1, fpin);
    	fread(&header.offset, sizeof(header.offset), 1, fpin);
    	fread(&info, sizeof(INFO_HEADER), 1, fpin);
    	/* Make sure file is a 24-bit bitmap */
    	if((header.type != 19778) || (info.bitsperpixel != 24))	//not a 24-bit bitmap
    		printf("\nERROR. File is not a 24-bit bitmap.\n\n");
    		return 1;
    	fseek(fpin, header.offset, SEEK_SET);
    	rpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(rpixels, 0, info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	gpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(gpixels, 0, info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	bpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(bpixels, 0, info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	/* read in pixel data */
    	for(i=0; i<info.height; i++){					//iterate through rows
    		for(n=0; n<info.width; n++){				//iterate through columns
    			fread(&pixel,3,1,fpin);					//read pixel into pixels array
    			*(rpixels+i*info.width+n) =;
    			*(gpixels+i*info.width+n) =;
    			*(bpixels+i*info.width+n) =;
    		if((info.width*3)%4 != 0){						//handle padding
    			fseek(fpin, 4-(info.width*3)%4, SEEK_CUR);	//skip padding bytes
    	/* average pix values */
    	rav = malloc(info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(rav, 0, info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	gav = malloc(info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(gav, 0, info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	bav = malloc(info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	memset(bav, 0, info.width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    	avrgb(rpixels,gpixels,bpixels,rav,gav,bav, info.width, info.height);
    	/* */
    	/* free r,g,b pixels */
    	huepix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(huepix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	satpix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(satpix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	intenspix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(intenspix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	/* convert RGB to HSI */
    	rgbhsi(rav, gav, bav, huepix, satpix, intenspix, info.width);
    	/* */
    	/* free rav,gav,bav */
    	/* compute parameters, write output */
    	dur = atof(argv[4]);
    	time = atof(argv[5]);
    	overlap	= atof(argv[6]);
    	fprintf(fpout, ";instr	time	dur	vol	pitch	timbre\n");
    	for(i=0; i<info.width; i++){
    		volume = *(intenspix+i)/255;	//all values are between 0 and 1
    		pitch = *(huepix+i)/360;
    		timbre = *(satpix+i);
    		//i<instr #> <duration> <time> <volume (0-1)> <pitch parameter (0-1)> <timbral parameter (0-1)>
    		fprintf(fpout, "i%d	%5.4f	%5.4f	%5.4f	%5.4f	%5.4f\n",atoi(argv[3]),time,dur,volume,pitch,timbre);
    		time += dur*(1-overlap/100);
    	/* free remaining memory */
    	/* close files */
    	return 0;
    int rgbhsi(unsigned char *rav, unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, float *huepix, float *satpix,
                      float *intenspix, unsigned long pixlength){
    	/* conversion algorithm based on (Prof. Wang)*/
    	long i;
    	unsigned char R,G,B;
    	float r,g,b,H,S,I;
    	for(i=0; i<pixlength; i++){
    		R = *(rav + i);
    		G = *(gav + i);
    		B = *(bav + i);
    		I = (R+G+B)/3.0;
    		r = R/(3*I);
    		g = G/(3*I);
    		b = B/(3*I);
    		if(I ==0){
    			r = 1;
    			g = 1;
    			b = 1;
    		H = acos((2*R - G - B)/(2*sqrt(pow((R-G),2) + (R-B)*(G-B))))*180/3.14159265; //in DEGREES
    		if(isnan(H)){	//deal with nan problem */
    			H = 360;
    			H = 360 - H;
    	S = 1-3*minrgb(r,g,b);
    	*(huepix+i) = H;
    	*(satpix+i) = S;
    	*(intenspix+i) = I;
    	return 0;
    float	minrgb(float r, float g, float b){
    	/* returns the lowest value of r, g, b */
    		return r;
    	else if((r<=b)&&(b<=g))
    		return r;
    	else if((b<=r)&&(r<=g))
    		return b;
    	else if((b<=g)&&(g<=r))
    		return b;
    	else if((g<=r)&&(r<=b))
    		return g;
    	else //((g<=b)&&(b<=r))
    		return g;
    int	avrgb(unsigned char *rpixels, unsigned char *gpixels, unsigned char *bpixels, unsigned char *rav,
                       unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, unsigned 	long width, unsigned long height){
    	int i, n;
    	unsigned long r, g, b;
    	for(n=0;n<width;n++){	//iterate through columns
    			r += *(rpixels + i*width+n);
    			g += *(gpixels + i*width+n);
    			b += *(bpixels + i*width+n);			
    			*(rav+i*width+n) = r/(width*height);
    			*(gav+i*width+n) = g/(width*height);
    			*(bav+i*width+n) = b/(width*height);
    	return 0;
    Last edited by amac; 12-10-2009 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Gawking at stupidity
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    Oregon, USA
    No one's going to take the time to read that double-spaced pile of fantastically ugly crap. Condense it to save us time.
    If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Sep 2006
    Aren't you playing fast and loose with malloc? No sizeof(YourDataType) * NumberYouWant.

    I'm not sure, but I don't believe malloc() knows or looks up your data type for you. You tell it the size of your data type, or you're just taking a chance the default will be OK for your use.


    You've got to quit holding back how you feel, about posts.

    I believe that's the interaction of his editor and the forum's software. My program posts used to do that, also. Since I switched to all char's, instead of tabs, it has cured the problem. Not sure just why,
    Last edited by Adak; 12-09-2009 at 09:39 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    Aren't you playing fast and loose with malloc? No sizeof(YourDataType) * NumberYouWant.

    I'm not sure, but I don't believe malloc() knows or looks up your data type for you. You tell it the size of your data type, or you're just taking a chance the default will be OK for your use.


    You've got to quit holding back how you feel, about posts.

    I believe that's the interaction of his editor and the forum's software. My program posts used to do that, also. Since I switched to all char's, instead of tabs, it has cured the problem. Not sure just why,
    Since sizeof(unsigned char) = 1 (at least on my coumputer/compiler/whatever), I left off the sizeof(unsigned char) part in malloc(). Haha, yeah, the code looks fine in the post editing window but comes out double-spaced when I submit it. I'll probably go back and try to fix it when I have time later tonight.

  5. #5
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    Oh you wish!

    I thought info.width and info.height referred to these:

    unsigned long width;
    unsigned long height;

    from your info_header, used to make your info struct.

    and these look suspiciously like what you're malloc'ing, here:

    	rpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height);	//sizeof(unsigned char) = 1
            gpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height);
    	bpixels = malloc(info.width*info.height);
    You comment about unsigned char = 1, but they appear to be unsigned long's.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    You comment about unsigned char = 1, but they appear to be unsigned long's.
    I'm not sure I see the problem here. They are unsigned longs, but their product is just a number I pass to malloc(), specifically the number of bytes I want allocated. I tried replacing the
    statements with
     malloc(info.width*info.height*sizeof(unsigned char))
    statements, but there are still seg faults when I try to run the code (which I have edited in the first post to eliminate annoying double-spaces.).

  7. #7
    Woof, woof! zacs7's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    sizeof(char) or sizeof(unsigned char) is ALWAYS 1. So you've done nothing.

    As the first poster said, condense it down.

    	huepix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(huepix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	satpix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(satpix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	intenspix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(intenspix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    Are you wanting to store the hue, saturation and intensity of each row of pixels, or per pixel?
    Last edited by zacs7; 12-10-2009 at 01:31 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by zacs7 View Post
    Are you wanting to store the hue, saturation and intensity of each row of pixels, or per pixel?
    I want to store the average hue, saturation, and intensity of each column. There are info.width columns of pixels in an image.


    I think I solved the problem. My avrgb function was not taking the average properly. I fixed it and now there are no more errors.

    	for(n=0;n<width;n++){	//iterate through columns
    			r += *(rpixels + i*width+n);
    			g += *(gpixels + i*width+n);
    			b += *(bpixels + i*width+n);			
    		*(rav+n) = r/height;
    		*(gav+n) = g/height;
    		*(bav+n) = b/height;
    Thanks for trying to help, guys. I'm impressed by the response-to-views ratio on this forum -- helpful bunch.
    Last edited by amac; 12-10-2009 at 03:15 AM.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    This looks completely wrong:
    int	avrgb(unsigned char *rpixels, unsigned char *gpixels, unsigned char *bpixels, unsigned char *rav,
                       unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, unsigned 	long width, unsigned long height){
    	int i, n;
    	unsigned long r, g, b;
    	for(n=0;n<width;n++){	//iterate through columns
    			r += *(rpixels + i*width+n);
    			g += *(gpixels + i*width+n);
    			b += *(bpixels + i*width+n);			
    			*(rav+i*width+n) = r/(width*height);
    			*(gav+i*width+n) = g/(width*height);
    			*(bav+i*width+n) = b/(width*height);
    	return 0;
    I'm pretty sure you meant for those three red lines to be OUTSIDE of that inner i loop. This makes me feel much better:
    int	avrgb(unsigned char *rpixels, unsigned char *gpixels, unsigned char *bpixels, unsigned char *rav,
                       unsigned char *gav, unsigned char *bav, unsigned 	long width, unsigned long height){
    	int i, n;
    	unsigned long r, g, b;
    	for(n=0;n<width;n++){	//iterate through columns
    			r += *(rpixels + i*width+n);
    			g += *(gpixels + i*width+n);
    			b += *(bpixels + i*width+n);
    		rav[n] = r/height;
    		gav[n] = g/height;
    		bav[n] = b/height;
    	return 0;
    Of course, I'm assuming that the wonderfully named avrgb() is supposed to calculate the average RGB values for the pixels in each column.

    ROFL, looks like I posted a couple seconds too late!

  10. #10
    Make Fortran great again
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    	huepix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(huepix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	satpix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(satpix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    	intenspix = malloc(info.width*sizeof(float));
    	memset(intenspix, 0, info.width*sizeof(float));
    You could use calloc here, calloc does the same thing as malloc except it sets the allocated memory to 0s...calloc - C++ Reference
    intenspix = calloc(info.width, sizeof(float));

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