Thread: fgets problem

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2002

    fgets problem


    i using fgets() to get input from a user...

    printf("Address [street no and name]: ");
    fgets(cr->address_street, 40, stdin );

    it works great - however, when it stores a string into my variable (cr->address_street) and also when i want to print the contents of the variable onto the screen - i find that my variable contains exactly 40 characters including a '\n' at the end, regardless of whether the user input string was 20 or 30 or x characters.

    is there an easy way to get rid of the whitespace and newline after the data, which is automatically stored by fgets since i specified the length of string to read? please let me know if this is ambiguous...


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    fgets() shouldn't leave no whitespace after '\n'... sure your code is alright? Anyway, to get rid off that newline you must have a code by yourself. ...But 'cause I'm such a nice guy and all that...:

    inline void remove_nl(char *s)
    	if(s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n')
    		s[strlen(s)-1] = '\0';
    (Remember that instead of garbage after '\0' you will now have another '\0' followed with garbage).

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    You could use gets(); instead remember fflush(stdin) to flush the buffer...or use getch(); in <conio.h> to get string character at a time.

    char string[40];
    int i;
    printf("Enter a string :");
    i = 0;
       if(string[i] =='\r') break;
    } while(i < 39);
    string[i]='\0';  /*add null*/
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  4. #4
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    Note that getch() is not ANSII conform!

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  5. #5
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    Question redefinition of my fgets problem


    thanks for everyone who is trying to help. i probably didn't explain my problem clearly enough - let me try again...

    i'm using fgets() to get input from a user using the following syntax:

    printf("Address [street no and name]: ");
    fgets(cr->address_street, 40, stdin );

    my problem isn't with the '\n' at the END of the string... my problem is with all the '\0' or whitespace in front of the '\n'. because i am telling fgets to read in a string of no longer than 40 characters, it automatically reads in 40 characters even when the user input is only 20 characters. here's an example:

    if the user input is 123 Main Street, my variable... contains '123\0Main\0Street\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\n'.

    is there an easy way to chop off the '\0's that fgets automatically includes when the user input is less than the specified length? admittedly, this is merely a formatting problem - should i even care about the whitespace and just get rid of the newline and be happy?


  6. #6
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    once the user has entered whatever he likes, it doesnot really matter what comes after the final '\0', as this is just whatever was in the buffer prior to the user entry.

    if the user entered '123 Main Street' then the actual memory allocated for the variable will contain '123space character ' 'ascii32Main space character ' 'ascii32Street\0plus what is in the buffer'
    hoping to be certified (programming in c)
    here's the news - I'm officially certified.

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