I need to write code for a microchip to go into a school project. I have a board to put the chip in (PIC16F628A), and software that can program the chip if given the hex (microburn), but no software to compile C into hex.

I have got the CCS C compiler demo, but that has a very small list of chips, rather than the very full list of the bought program, and does not include the 16F628a.

I also have HiTech C compiler, and MPLab IDE, but don't understand how to use one with the other. I tried using HiTech's <pic16f6x.h> header with CCS C, but it didn't like it. HiTech also has stuff for using a HD44780 powered LCD, which I need.

Basically, I need something that will give me a hex file that microburn can use from c code written by me that supports the 16F628A and has a header for using a HD44780 LCD.

any ideas?