I'm having some trouble with reading a file line by line.

char *error[100];
int num[256], x = 0;
FILE *openme;

openme = fopen("test", "r");

	error[x] = malloc(sizeof(char)*59);
	if ((fgets(error[x], 58, openme)) == NULL)

All this does is take in 58 characters from the file, and throw it into a char array. Now, I'm faced with a problem here. How do I get the contents of the file one line at a time? (Where a line is any new "\n").
Consider this example string,

hi i am a string of text la la la la la la la la la la la la la la\n

The code I provided will only get the first 58 characters. How can I capture the entire line without exactly knowing how long or short it is?