hello all, im having some trouble trying to figure out the problem and why this program is not working correctly. I have two linklists built from two infiles. Some of the names in my first list are contained in my second and i want to delete them using my second function. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

struct info_node
    char fname[20] ;
    char lname[20] ;
    int rank ;
    float score ;
    struct info_node * next ;
} ;

struct info_node * build_list(FILE *) ;
void data_clean(struct info_node *, struct info_node *) ;
int main()
	struct info_node* link1 = NULL, * link2 = NULL ;
 	struct info_node* top = NULL ;
	struct info_node* move_pntr = NULL, * move_pntr2 = NULL ;
	FILE * infile ;
	FILE * infile2 ;

		infile2 = fopen("p3purge_data.txt", "r") ;
		infile = fopen("p3data.txt", "r") ;

	link1 = build_list(infile) ;
	link2 = build_list(infile2) ;

	data_clean(link1, link2) ;

	move_pntr = link1 ;

	while(move_pntr != NULL)
	printf( "%15s %15s %4d %5.2f \n", move_pntr->fname , move_pntr->lname, move_pntr->rank, move_pntr->score ) ;
	move_pntr = move_pntr->next ;

return (0) ;

} //end of func main()
struct info_node * build_list(FILE * infile)

	struct info_node* top = NULL ;
	struct info_node* pnode = NULL ;
	struct info_node* pre_pntr ;

		pnode = (info_node *)malloc(sizeof(info_node) ) ;
		fscanf( infile, "%s%s%d%f", pnode->fname , pnode->lname, &pnode->rank, &pnode->score ) ;
		pnode->next = NULL ;
		top = pnode ;	

while( !feof(infile) )

		pnode = (info_node *)malloc(sizeof(info_node) ) ;
		fscanf( infile, "%s%s%d%f", pnode->fname , pnode->lname, &pnode->rank, &pnode->score ) ;

		pnode->next = top ;	
		top = pnode ;

	}//end of !feof


void data_clean(struct info_node * link1, struct info_node * link2)
	struct info_node* pre_pntr ;
	struct info_node* current_pntr ;
	struct info_node* shortlist ;
	struct info_node* longlist ;
	struct info_node* clean_link ;

	longlist = link2 ;
	shortlist = link1 ;

	while(shortlist != NULL)
	pre_pntr = longlist ;
	current_pntr = shortlist ;

		while(current_pntr != NULL)
			if(strcmp(current_pntr->fname, shortlist->fname) && (current_pntr->lname, shortlist->lname) == 0)
				if (current_pntr->next == NULL)
					pre_pntr->next = current_pntr->next ;
					current_pntr = pre_pntr ;
				else if(current_pntr == pre_pntr)
					current_pntr = current_pntr->next ;
					pre_pntr->next = current_pntr->next ;
					current_pntr = current_pntr->next ;
			}// end of if strcmp
				pre_pntr = current_pntr ;
				current_pntr = current_pntr->next ;

		}//end of while loop
		shortlist = shortlist->next ;
	return ;
} //end of func data_clean()