Thread: Format Precision & Scale

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Format Precision & Scale


    I've just been asked to make a change to a legacy C app. and I need help in trying to figure out what the existing code is doing.

    Essentially, what the app does is it runs some SQL against a database and writes the resultset out to a .txt file. As it writes the data to the file it formats each cell individually depending on the datatype.

    Currently, the app. will format a Double value using 6 decimal places only e.g. 376.123456. I've been asked to change it to 8 decimal places e.g. 376.12345678.

    I've had a look at the code and I think I've isolated the section that I need to change (in bold below) but I'm having difficulty figuring out extacly HOW to change it!!!

    Any help would be very much appreciated.....

    	Proc :	DumpCellData
    	Desc :	Write a unit of data to the output file
    	Param:	sqldata			- the pointer of the data
    			sqltype			- the type of the data
    			sqlind			- 
    			sqllen			- the length of the data
    			colWidth		- the width of the data to be outputed
    			outputFile		- the output file pointer
    	Return:	0 - if successful
    int DumpCellData(char *sqldata, short sqltype, short *sqlind, short sqllen, short colWidth, FILE *outputFile)
      int rc = 0;
      char buf[100];
      struct lstr
        char len;
        char *data;
      } *pLstr;
      int i;
      short precision;
      short scale;
      short numBytes;
      short top;
      short bottom;
      short byteNb;
      short digNb;
      struct lob
        sqlint32 len;
        char *data;
      } *pLob;
      if (sqltype & 1 && *sqlind < 0)
        /* printf("%-*s", colWidth, " -"); */
        switch (sqltype)
          case SQL_TYP_DATE:
          case SQL_TYP_NDATE:
          case SQL_TYP_TIME:
          case SQL_TYP_NTIME:
          case SQL_TYP_STAMP:
          case SQL_TYP_NSTAMP:
          case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
          case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
          case SQL_TYP_CHAR:
          case SQL_TYP_NCHAR:
          case SQL_TYP_LONG:
          case SQL_TYP_NLONG:
          case SQL_TYP_CSTR:
          case SQL_TYP_NCSTR:
            fprintf(outputFile, "%-*.*s", colWidth, colWidth, sqldata);
          case SQL_TYP_LSTR:
          case SQL_TYP_NLSTR:
            pLstr = (struct lstr *)sqldata;
            for (i = 0; i < (int)pLstr->len; i++)
              fprintf(outputFile, "%c", (pLstr->data)[i]);
            while (i < colWidth)
              fprintf(outputFile, " ");
              i = i + 1;
          case SQL_TYP_FLOAT:
          case SQL_TYP_NFLOAT:
          	/* Jacky Lam 17/04/2003 */
            fprintf(outputFile, "%*f", colWidth, *((double *)sqldata));
          case SQL_TYP_INTEGER:
          case SQL_TYP_NINTEGER:
            fprintf(outputFile, "%*d", colWidth, *((int *)sqldata));
            /* Jacky Lam 17/04/2003
            fprintf(outputFile, "%*ld", colWidth, *((long *)sqldata)); */
          case SQL_TYP_SMALL:
          case SQL_TYP_NSMALL:
            fprintf(outputFile, "%*d", colWidth, *((short *)sqldata));
          case SQL_TYP_DECIMAL:
          case SQL_TYP_NDECIMAL:
            precision = (short)(((char *)&sqllen)[0]);
            scale = (short)(((char *)&sqllen)[1]);
            /* adjust the precision to odd value */
            if ((precision % 2) == 0)
              precision = precision + 1;
            /* calculate numBytes */
            numBytes = (short)(precision + 1) / 2;
            /* determine the sign using bottom of the last byte */
            bottom = *(sqldata + numBytes - 1) & 0x000F;
            i = 0;
            if (bottom == 0x000D || bottom == 0x000B)
              buf[i] = '-';
              buf[i] = ' ';
            /* prepare the decimal number */
            digNb = 0;
            if (digNb == precision - scale)
              buf[i] = '.';
            /* (top + bottom) from first (numBytes - 1) bytes ... */
            for (byteNb = 0; byteNb < numBytes - 1; byteNb = byteNb + 1)
              top = *(sqldata + byteNb) & 0x00F0;
              top = top >> 4;
              bottom = *(sqldata + byteNb) & 0x000F;
              buf[i] = top + '0';
              if (digNb == precision - scale)
                buf[i] = '.';
              buf[i] = bottom + '0';
              if (digNb == precision - scale)
                buf[i] = '.';
            /* ... and top of the last byte (bottom is the sign) */
            top = *(sqldata + byteNb) & 0x00F0;
            top = top >> 4;
            buf[i] = top + '0';
            if (digNb == precision - scale)
              buf[i] = '.';
            /* display decimal number */
            buf[i] = '\0';
            fprintf(outputFile, "%*s", colWidth, buf);
            break;      case SQL_TYP_CGSTR:
          case SQL_TYP_NCGSTR:
          case SQL_TYP_VARGRAPH:
          case SQL_TYP_NVARGRAPH:
          case SQL_TYP_GRAPHIC:
          case SQL_TYP_NGRAPHIC:
          case SQL_TYP_LONGRAPH:
          case SQL_TYP_NLONGRAPH:
            sprintf(buf, "Graphic data length: %5ld", sqllen);
            fprintf(outputFile, "%-*s", colWidth, buf);
          case SQL_TYP_BLOB:
          case SQL_TYP_NBLOB:
          case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
          case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
          case SQL_TYP_DBCLOB:
          case SQL_TYP_NDBCLOB:
            pLob = (struct lob *)sqldata;
            if (*sqlind == 0)
              sprintf(buf, "LOB length: %10ld", (long)pLob->len);
              sprintf(buf, "Truncated LOB length: %10ld", (long)pLob->len);
            fprintf(outputFile, "%-*s", colWidth, buf);
            fprintf(outputFile, "%-*s", colWidth, "?");
      return 0;
    } /* DumpCellData */

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    ...any clues...or pointers...thanks

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