Thread: We need a new homework policy.

  1. #16

  2. #17
    In The Light
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yea thats it, stop helping newbies then you won't have to call Cprog a programming resource...

    I don't like you very much. Please post a lot less.
    *and then*
    No, I know you were joking. My point still stands.

  3. #18
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > Yea thats it, stop helping newbies
    Don't confuse the 95% of the newbies who show some effort and get pretty good help from this board with the 5% of leeches who just dump their homework direct from their tutor without even thinking about it.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  4. #19
    CS Author and Instructor
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    While this is certainly true of some, I think almost anyone here who has taken programming in college can tell you of how many terrible teachers there are. Just look at the Digipen thread to get an idea. So many teachers are those who programmed in the 80's and couldn't keep up with technology and so now teach instead of work in the field. They still teach programming as though its twenty years ago and have no idea how to properly use languages like C++ and Java. Many students ask here because there is no other way for them to understand and I think they should be encouraged to do so.
    Well, this is true to some extent. You should see how many applicants we get went a position open up- that have no teaching experience what so ever. All of my colleagues, including myself, have taught in the classroom before coming to higher education. So at least we have an idea.

    But there are also some students that just have no clue at all- they are in over their heads.- you can place blame on both teachers and students.

    Here are classroom homework policies for my programming classes stated in writing

    Rules of Engagement:
    •	You may only use topics we have learned or currently learning to solve the particular programming task.
    •	I will explain in-class about each program. Only questions pertaining to the particular program assigned at the time will be taken.
    •	No questions will be taken on the day the program is due.  Remember, procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!! 
    •	You may turn in the program only one class day in advance of the assigned due date.
    •	I will only take one question per day on individual debugging problems. 
    •	Finally, if you are unclear about something-please ask me-others may have the same question.
    Mr. C: Author and Instructor

  5. #20
    In The Light
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Point taken.

    I don't like you very much. Please post a lot less.
    *and then*
    No, I know you were joking. My point still stands.

  6. #21
    Registered User
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    I also try and keep in mind that if we hold these people's hand's all the way through college, people who program for a living have to deal with these idiots in THAT situation. The hostile reaction should come as no surprize then, since most of the board's users program for a living.

  7. #22
    Its not rocket science vasanth's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    or we could help all of them and have less competetion in the job market in terms of skills
    [/joke intended]

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by vasanth
    or we could help all of them and have less competetion in the job market in terms of skills
    [/joke intended]
    Man, look at all this crap I have to clean up, what moron did you have in here doing this?!?! I'm going to need _at least_ $80 an hour for this..
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

  9. #24
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > people who program for a living have to deal with these idiots in THAT situation.
    Been there - done that
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  10. #25
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    If any more lazy guys ask for answers for their homework , just give them wrong answers so they won't trust anyone next time and do it by them-selves .

    Im too sleepy to read all of the replies , sorry if this has been suggested before
    My Tutorials :
    - Bad programming practices in : C
    - C\C++ Tips
    (constrcutive criticism is very welcome)

    - Brain Cell

  11. #26
    Registered User
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    Being somewhat of a newbie, I figured I'd chime in here. Someone (I think Thanatos) had a thread not too long ago about how pathetic introductory texts were. He's right, if I had to rely on the textbook that is used in my C++ class, I'd be screwed.
    It seems to me that programming requires methodical and logical thinking, and everything must be clear and concise. For some reason, textbooks on the subject seem to be somewhat methodical, vaguely logical, and about as clear as mud. How the requirements of the one lead to the situation of the other is beyond me.
    For the most part I find tutorials on the web to be much more useful. Granted some of them (like Prelude's latest on here) go a bit over my head right now, but I know what is being driven at. Getting feedback on these boards has been extremely valuable to me on more than one occaision. The cut and paste dumps of an assignment and "can u hlp plz?? " are just pathetic. Let them fail.
    Sometimes you're truly stumped though. It's like working on your car for hours, not knowing why it won't start, and your buddy saying "why isn't the coil connected?". In other words, don't fix my car for me, but feel free to tell me what I'm missing.
    For those who respond to "I have this code....and I'm trying to do this" with "have you tried..", thank you.

  12. #27
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    The problem is, for every one of us that says "........ off", there's someone who thinks they're helping by doing it for the person. So it doesn't really matter how many people don't help, because there's always some idiot who will do it for them anyway. So the glut of "do it for me"s never stop, because, yep, someone will do it for them.

    The thing is, then they get all uppity about how great they are for helping dumbass#2435256, and how you should be helpful too. It's just not even worth it any more. I get so tired of telling people to read the god damn announcements, and to use code tags, and to... The list goes on and on.

    So it doesn't really matter how many of you don't do it. Some "helpful" idiot will do it anyway, defeating the entire purpose of the board.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  13. #28
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Just an idea, but instead of having an announcement titled simply "Homework", why not have a sticky that has a title like "Posting homework will not be tolerated" or "We will not do your homework for you" or similar. Would be an eyesore, but that way people will certainly see it and instantly know the policy. Then we wouldn't need to rely on the new users to actually <gasp> read the FAQ, board rules, or homework announcment because lets face it, we all know nobody reads those. Wouldn't get rid of all of those annoying posts, but might make a dent.

  14. #29
    Has a Masters in B.S.
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    Aug 2001
    a good idea PJ, but i think a nice I am sillyI am sillyI am sillyI am silly YOU, GO HOME!!!! would be more clear in stating the general consensus on homework policy

    more to the point we need and iron fist sorta policy where the mod's effectively close homework request threads rather than make them into a gang bang(Note: i mean that in the non-sexual sense of the term)...
    Last edited by no-one; 10-09-2004 at 10:47 PM.
    ADVISORY: This users posts are rated CP-MA, for Mature Audiences only.

  15. #30
    essence of digital xddxogm3's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    I just got to that post.
    i agree with everybody.
    there are people that abuse the forum.
    i guess they are not true to the code.
    it will shine through later.

    sorry to repost this complete abuse of the forum.
    this person needs to change their field of study.
    Last edited by xviddivxoggmp3; 10-10-2004 at 03:34 AM.
    "Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence;
    supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
    Art of War Sun Tzu

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