Science: Why is there wind?
Religion: God wishes it.
Science: Why?
Religion: Do not question the mind of God INFIDEL!
Science: Why is the sky blue?
Religion: God wishes it.
Normally, I respect your logic and generally your arguments are valid; however, that is just silly. God is the creator, not the manipulator (although you could argue causality).
IMHO, religion is not there to explain why things are the way they are. Religion serves as a guide on how to live and gives purpose to an otherwise meaningless existence.

Regarding scientific research:
How about the countless studies done to prove Jesus existed and work done to explain many of the historical events in the bible. Such as the 'parting of the sea' and the 'star of Bethlehem'.
Your reasoning seems to boil to: "Many scientists were also religious therefore religion must have been a driving force behind science"
I repeat: religion has provided scientists with many things to explain.
I fail to see how that says religion is the 'driving force' behind science.